Elon Musk Aims to Start a Race War in the United Kingdom. Is the United States His Next Target?
Somehow this message isn’t crossing international boundaries with the alacrity or the urgency it needs to: Elon Musk is now a global threat, and his actions will cause mass violence in the near term.
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Above (t-b): Elon Musk amplifying a call for the execution of Labour officials over a scandal in the United Kingdom whose contours he’s lied about ruthlessly (see below), apparently to provoke fresh bloodshed; Musk falsely framing a scandal confirmed by State investigators to mostly involve white perpetrators as one in which non-white perpetrators are targeting whites, an attempt to stoke a race war in England in the form of the “civil war over immigration” he has repeatedly predicted; Musk overnight withdrawing his political and proposed financial support for the leader of England’s fourth major political party, doing so because that leader, Nigel Farage, does not support a jailed fascist and career criminal going under the false name “Tommy Robinson” (Robinson was incarcerated after refusing to obey a court order directing him to stop trying to get an innocent young Syrian refugee killed by falsely accusing him of a crime he didn’t commit; Robinson is now deemed a dangerous extremist likely to incite mass violence by all major political parties in the United Kingdom); Musk taking a vote among his Twitter followers on whether the United States should invade England—a poll that takes on a very different valence now that Musk is co-President of the United States.
The amount of gall required for a South African-born Canadian-American with no meaningful liberal arts education—no background in History, Political Science, or Law—to blithely declare that “civil war is inevitable” in the United Kingdom, and to send that hyperventilating warning to literally hundreds of millions of people worldwide on a social media platform he’s rigged to elevate his voice above others is staggering.
Historically, those few with a significant enough global profile to influence politics in nations not their own avoid doing so at all costs—first, because it’s not their business to do otherwise, and second because interfering with foreign countries may harm the efforts of the U.S. government to conduct international diplomacy. For this reason, we generally associate public or illicit attempts to meddle in the affairs of other nations with conduct that is not just improper but possibly illegal, and usually the province of hostile intelligence agencies exclusively. One of the only men on Earth with the gall to ignore this basic precept of being part of a civilization and species is Elon Musk, who Proof has in the past covered as he derangedly went to war with the nation of Brazil.
Again, such conduct is even more gall-encrusted and galling when the perpetrator, as with Musk, knows virtually nothing at all about the countries he tries to meddle with.
This staggering quantity of gall makes it even more likely that the dire warning (some would say threat) Mr. Musk has lately issued about a civil war in the United Kingdom is wildly inaccurate. The more evidently someone is a malignant narcissistic sociopath with delusions of grandeur, a martyr complex, and a streak of fascist cruelty that runs through almost every word they utter, the more likely they have also fallen short in yet another watchword of a successfully completed liberal arts education: media literacy.
Simply put, even if Elon Musk were finally willing to educate himself on the domestic politics of other nations, it’s not clear that he has the temperament, patience, wisdom, or information-science skills to actually do so. It’s for these and other reasons that he has become the world’s largest firehose of disinformation—a fact, not a supposition; see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here—and in very short order his actions are going to accrue a massive worldwide death toll.
Will it be in the United Kingdom, where Musk is trying to stoke a race war in which non-white immigrants are murdered by the tens of thousands by roving Christofascist mobs whose leaders and enablers and advocates he’s openly cheering on? Will it be in the United States, where Musk is about to become co-president and routinely spreads lies about race relations (see here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here)?
Will it be in Germany, where Musk is now an open advocate of that nation’s neo-Nazi political party? Will it be in Ukraine, where Musk’s products are being used to kill innocents as the Starlink chief himself (a) does nothing to stop it in a timely fashion and (b) secretly communicates with the author of these war crimes, Vladimir Putin, on a regular basis? We don’t know. Maybe all of these places will see a sudden additional death-toll spike that Elon Musk is uniquely responsible for and—in a world with rule of law—would face consequences for, also.
But we live in this world, where Musk even appearing in court when ordered to do so is wholly optional for him, so seven things are perfectly clear, now: (1) Musk is going to get people killed; (2) he knows he’s going to get people killed; (3) he’s not going to take any time whatsoever to educate himself on the issues he insists on writing about without any relevant expertise; (4) he’s not going to stop trying to enflame passions and spread disinformation on these subjects, because he ultimately doesn’t care at all about the issues themselves—not child rape or war crimes or government spending in the United States—except to the extent that his taking the positions he takes accrues geopolitical power and influence to him (partly directly, partly indirectly, through the implicit threat of his inciting involvement in any future conflagrations) and pleases his apparently superheated, quivering personal animus toward women, non-whites, Jews, migrants, and the LGBTQIA2S+ community; (5) he won’t face consequences for his actions in the United States or anywhere else; (6) he’s well aware that he won’t face any consequence for his actions, which is precisely why they’ll continue unabated no matter how many people they kill; (7) and there’s nothing natively inside the man—no humility, leadership skills, empathy, temperance, patience, or generosity of spirit—that will organically cause him to stop what he’s doing once the mass killing starts.
Those who don’t understand yet that Musk is an unscrupulous bad actor on the world stage whose only aims are wealth and authority—the exact opposite of the mythos his fawning amanuensis Walter Isaacson is now pushing—are going to learn in the next few weeks and months what it means for Earth’s most powerful nation to transfer its powers wholesale to someone who not only wants to control all of Earth but actually has a scheme and the resources to accomplish it. Musk’s ostensible focus is manned missions to Mars—a planet humans will never occupy in any significant numbers, but which fiction gives Musk a way to rally support for and attention to himself and divert resources from helping those on Earth who need help but who Musk doesn’t wish to see helped—when in fact his supposed Mars focus is simply the most chilling example yet of grifting MAGA influencers’ abiding “every accusation is a confession” principle.
Elon says he’s focused on control of Mars because he’s actually focused on control of Earth. It’s likely Musk cares little about Mars at all, given that he has been told again and again and again by scientists—each and every day, for the last twenty years—that the planet is uninhabitable and can never be made otherwise at scale. While Mars may yet be a useful outpost for scattered scientific research—if still not the best use (at all) of precious research resources—and while it could host mining operations designed solely to make Musk the world’s first centi-trillionaire (indeed, the Boring Company exists only for that prospective purpose, not the terrestrial purposes Mr. Musk falsely claimes), it will never harbor a significant human civilian settlement, nor should it.
The money Musk is funneling from U.S. taxpayers and, soon enough, directly from the federal budget using DOGE as his instrument, is money that would be infinitely more valuable here on Earth—for instance, to ensure that our ecosystem doesn’t collapse, killing over a billion humans on Earth in an entirely foreseeable way. So we must see the broader “project” of Elon Musk as one whose endgame enriches him and harms or actively endangers everyone who’s not him. The non-MAGA argument for his plans being a net positive for humanity has in recent years not just dimmed, but evaporated.
{Note: For a time, some believed Elon Musk’s focus on electric vehicles (EVs) was indicative of a genuine interest in combating climate change. That belief is no longer sustainable, as faced with competition for his Tesla vehicles from China and other U.S. manufacturers, Musk has done exactly what anyone who’s watched how he’s handling his work in the AI sphere could have predicted: he says anything he must to destroy his competition, as it’s business success and industry monopolies he cares about—not, for instance, the cause of making sure there are as many EVs in America and around the world as possible. Musk was in fact a vital player in destroying NASA’s space shuttle program so SpaceX could take off, and now spends his time trying to destroy the only other companies that could help SpaceX achieve what it claims are selfless goals (or else we find him haugtily overruling NASA when it tells him it could do better work on the Moon right now than Mars). In the AI space, Musk has done an about-face on industry leader OpenAI, which he once helped fund, now that he’s running a competing firm—xAI—and making wildly false allegations about OpenAI may hurt AI research but help his own brand. Musk is set to use his powers at DOGE to eviscerate EVs that aren’t Teslas by opposing a popular EV tax credit, confirming that his aim is not to combat climate change but promote Tesla. How else to explain his sudden support for sunsetting federal tax credits for EVs the very second any car company but Tesla (notably, Hyundai and Kia) became eligible for them? How else to explain the Trump-Musk plan to make Chinese EVs unaffordable in America at the very moment these climate-saving cars have become so good Americans might want to buy them en masse?}
Yet for all this, what Musk—a long-time illegal immigrant who struck in rich in the United States by hiding and lying about his immigration status—is doing with respect to the issue of immigration in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany, solely with an eye toward using the topic as a wedge issue to advance his own political fortunes and those of pro-oligarch far-right politicians or autocratic political parties, beats all. And by a lot.
A Firehose of Racist Lies Aimed at Launching a Race War
Beyond “repeatedly” declaring a civil war in the United Kingdom is imminent with no evidence for this except his apparent—sadistic—desire that it be so, Musk is charged by major media with publishing “nonstop falsehoods” about sex crimes in England as a means to stoke racial tensions. The nature and scope of these lies proves that not only does Musk expect a civil war in the United Kingdom but wants one, as no one who expects such a bloody conflict but dreads it would spread lies so clearly calibrated to provoke it. And that’s exactly what Musk is doing: all his social media-published lies on the “grooming gangs” crisis in England, and the riots it’s already produced, carry the same set of features:
They pin crimes on non-whites that were largely committed by whites;
they excuse violent crimes by whites against non-whites as the reasonable result of recent events;
they wildly inflate data in ways that echo false claims emanating from far-right white nationalist entities;
they associate phenomena with migrants that are actually associated with Britons;
they associate phenomena with Islam and the Middle East that are not at all correlated to either;
they lionize far-right criminals who’ve been imprisoned for trying to stoke racial violence;
they obscure or outright lie about why these white criminals were arrested and imprisoned as a means of convincing readers that these criminals’ free-speech rights are being abrogated;
they falsely associate these criminals with simple patriotism, interweaving far-right fascist narratives with pro-England ones, simultaneously obscuring the racial animus at the heart of these actors’ actions and framing such animus (in those instances it is conceded) as ultimately patriotic and self-protective;
they consistently associate actions taken by both Tory and Labour politicians in the United Kingdom as having been taken solely by Labour politicians if they are “bad” and solely by Tory politicians if they are “good,” as Labour is the party less supportive of Musk’s business ambitions and rise to unelected geopolitical power;
they consistently misstate not just the hard data of the “grooming gangs” crisis but its history, for instance by falsely claiming that government investigations and reports were never conducted or published as a way of inflaming low-information persons into a false belief that nothing has ever been done about this crisis and in fact there’s an ongoing, massive, wilfull left-wing conspiracy to cover it up; and
they recklessly demand the incarceration—without charges, trial, or evidence—of left-wing politicians, which scurrilous demands, because they of course can’t be met consistent with the United Kingdom’s judicial system, naturally become, instead, an implicit call for exactly the sort of vigilante violence the very figures Musk is courting, amplifying, celebrating, and advocating for are well-known for.
This is, in short, how one starts a race war in a nation that one doesn’t live in—a war whose ravages one wouldn’t oneself ever have to experience or face any consequences from. If you’re wondering what other persons or entities besides Twitter’s Elon Musk presently engage in online geopolitical tampering to such a dangerous degree, you need look no farther than the man we now know Musk has secretly corresponded with for years despite telling the U.S. government, his consumers, and American voters otherwise: Vladimir Putin. Musk is running a one-man disinformation operation that not only echoes and even mirrors but dovetails with Kremlin intelligence operations.
Musk has lied about the so-called “grooming gangs” being Muslim when they are in fact largely white, and that sort of Islamophobia has been a hallmark of the Putin Era in Moscow, too. Musk wants immigration to become a wedge issue that destroys all Western liberalism, and what do you know: Vladimir Putin wants exactly the same.
It’s almost like Musk wants to expand his business operations to Russia and needs to please Putin to make that possible. Where have we heard that narrative before? That’s right: from his co-president. So now America has two presidents willing to destroy good causes and U.S. allies to promote their own selfish business interests abroad.
That’s right: all Musk’s foreign enemies are also the enemies of Putin and Trump—and stalwart allies of the United States. Musk, like Putin and Trump, seeks to weaken the two most significant forces for stability in Europe—the United Kingdom and Germany—while (perhaps for now only) holding off on doing the same with a third, France, almost certainly because it has a business-friendly, center-right government.
{Note: However, in a major breaking news update just today—January 6—French President Emmanuel Macron has just publicly accused Elon Musk of election interference in Europe. This means that the leaders of France, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Norway have all done so in the last 48 hours. Those four countries are among America’s most stalwart allies.}
The Larger Picture
There’s no fuzz on this: Musk is now running a disinformation scheme that aims to weaken America and its allies. Why? Simple: only oligarch-friendly autocracies are open to the sort of corrupt government-business partnerships Musk requires to gain de facto control of Earth.
If the phrase “control of Earth” sounds too much to you like something out of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, that’s both a fair and unfair observation. Unfair because “control of Earth” in practical terms means not any direct rulership of it but simply the ability to, in a meaningful way, influence of the outcome of any event on Earth that one wishes to have a say in. On the other hand, it’s entirely reasonable to balk at the phrase “control of Earth,” because it suggests a phenomenon the world has never in its history seen before: a Marvel-style supervillain whose ideologies are evil but also whose means of advancing those ideologies is cartoonishly high-tech and facially improbable (i.e., a plan that demands something far more than the banality of a war).
Control of Earth in this sense, to be achieved by this means, would be a preposterous goal were Elon Musk not well on his way to becoming the planet’s first trillionaire.
And as Proof has explored at length, Musk is systematically targeting for monopolistic takeover every industry that cedes abiding power over global events, and is doing so with a ruthlessness that the world has never seen outside the pages of comic books.
Consider Elon Musk’s current—and seemingly ever-expanding—business profile.
🟥 = Communications
🟧 = Big Tech
🟨 = Energy & Transport
🟩 = Markets
🟦 = Politics
🟪 = Research
🟫 = Military
⬛️ = Space
⬜️ = News
Musk Business Profile
🟥 SATELLITES: Via Starlink.
🟥 SOCIAL MEDIA: Via Twitter.
🟧 BIOENGINEERING: Via Neuralink.
🟧 ROBOTICS: Via Tesla Robotics (Optimus).
🟧 AI: Via xAI.
🟨 GREEN ENERGY: Via SolarCity (now Tesla Energy).*
🟨 MASS TRANSPORT: Via The Boring Company.
🟩 THE FREE MARKET: Via the control DOGE will exert over the U.S. economy.
🟩 BANKING: Via X (once it becomes the “everything app” Musk plans it to be).
🟦 INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMACY: Via his co-presidency with Donald Trump.
🟫 MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX: Via SpaceX’s Pentagon contracts.
🟫 DRONES: Via Nova Sky Stories.**
🟫 ARMORED VEHICLES: Via the wholly foreseeable, now-widespread use of Cybertrucks in war zones.
⬛️ NASA: Via Jared Isaacman, the incoming NASA administrator—and a business partner of Elon Musk presumed to be largely under Musk’s control.
⬜️ NEWS AGGREGATION: Musk has made clear that the ultimate purpose of his AI application Grok is to be a news aggregator users can turn to for the entirety of their news diet instead of professional journalism written by humans.
*Musk bought the failing SolarCity, run by his cousins, to do his family a solid—even though it harmed Tesla and its shareholders and caused a 10% drop in Tesla’s stock.
**Run by Musk’s brother and longtime business partner Kimbal Musk—who, like all members of the Musk Family, ultimately has irreconcilable business entanglements with Elon that determine his own long-term financial stability (moreover, he’s on the boards of several Musk companies). It is therefore impossible to imagine any Kimbal Musk enterprise as wholly separate and distinct from Elon Musk’s sprawling empire.
It would be exceedingly dangerous to all life on Earth if a single sociopath were in control of one of these arenas, let alone—as will be the case in just a few short years—all of them. Remember that Musk doesn’t need to be particularly adept at standing up competent outfits in these areas; as long as he’s moved into a particular sphere, he can use “lawfare,” covert lobbying, DOGE, mass communications, fraud, libel, slander, his various disinformation apparatuses, and other nefarious means to banish opposition—even (perhaps especially) any company more competent and competently run than his.
Keep in mind, too, that the list above doesn’t include clandestine criminal operations that run on money. Once Musk becomes a trillionaire, there will be nothing stopping him from secretly funding extremist groups across the world, or helping to fund political assassinations of the sort his new co-president Donald Trump has not just advocated for but actually participated in (see the case of Qasem Soleimani), or working with one of his co-president’s top national security advisers, Erik Prince, to do the sort of international-warlord weapons-running that Prince has been accused of. Elon Musk is already the most powerful human to ever live, and that’s only going to become more so in the years ahead. Before he went into politics, his personal army of armed guards was “only” thirty men strong, but there can be little doubt that in the coming years it will expand to hundreds of soldiers as well as (as increasingly media is writing about) using his son X Æ A-Xii as a human shield in appearance if not reality.
Zooming in on the “Grooming Gangs” Crisis
One of the many investigations both Tories and Labour greenlit into the question of whether gangs of English sex criminals were “grooming” minors for sex and sex work by raping them repeatedly—investigations conducted amidst several others that both Tories and Labour refused to conduct for various reasons—revealed up to 1,400 victims in one municipality over a nearly 20-year period. Studies confirm that offenders in such circumstances are “commonly” white, and that where the case is otherwise, it’s sometimes British-Pakistanis (British citizens of Pakistani descent) who are involved.
The BBC reports that while child sexual violence is common in the United Kingdom—1 in 13 adults have been so abused at some point—only a minuscule percentage of this abuse is committed by “groups” (a designation that would include, but not be limited to, the sort of “gangs” Musk and others are opining about online): specifically, 3.7%.
Within that 3.7%—again, within it—just 17% of the violence comes from “grooming gangs” (thus, about 0.5% of all child sex-abuse in the United Kingdom—and keep in mind, once again, that most of these grooming gangs are in fact “white,” a fact that’s been widely known and understood in the United Kingdom for years and years and years).
The finding of 1,400 child sex abuse victims in Rotherham over 17 years—an average of 82 victims every 12 months—is horrifying. Of course, this doesn’t mean that it can be blithely extrapolated across a whole nation, as Rotherham might well have a much bigger problem with child sex abuse than other municipalities do, and indeed the very report that revealed what was happening in Rotherham also revealed that Rotherham is now a child sex abuse trafficking center, which would of course lead one to conclude that the situation there is indeed far more dire than elsewhere in the United Kingdom.
Enter Elon Musk, whose lies about the above facts have been so consistent, so brazen, so unapologetic, and so curiously uncorrected by the Community Notes system he so touts daily on Twitter that there can be no doubt that they are nefarious. Here are just a few:
He falsely claims there are between 250,000 to 1 million children being raped in the United Kingdom right now. Musk is not saying this number of children have been abused in the United Kingdom over the last twenty years—which of course there would be no evidence of either, as 67 million people live in the United Kingdom, and if indeed 1 in 13 have ever been sexually abused it means about 5 million have been abused over the last 81 years (the average life expectancy in the country) for an average of 61,728 instances of sexual abuse annually across all conceivable causes. These conceivable causes would include (a) the sort of Rapes and Sexual Assaults Elon Musk’s co-president Donald Trump has been accused of more than 40 times over the last 40 years; (b) the sort of intrafamilial grooming by stepparents that Elon Musk’s father Errol has engaged in with his stepdaughter and which Elon has never decried (indeed, his father is now one of his top advisers); (c) the sort of Statutory Rapes and Solicitation of Prostitution repeatedly committed by the man Elon Musk wanted to become Attorney General of the United States, Matt Gaetz; (d) the sort of unwanted sexual advances in the workplace Elon Musk himself has routinely been accused of, from committing the sex crime of Indecent Exposure while offering a flight attendant a horse for a handjob to begging female employees to let him inseminate them to successfully pressuring one subordinate into permitting this three times; and (e) the sort of Sex Trafficking by rich white men (the demographic Musk himself belongs to) that Musk rubbed elbows with repeatedly by being a part of social circles—and photographs—that included one of the most infamous child sex traffickers in history, Ghislaine Maxwell (a woman who Musk’s co-president Trump publicly “wished well” on multiple occasions, after years of friendship with both her and the single-most-infamous child sex trafficker in world history, longtime Trump wingman and adviser and financier and friend Jeffrey Epstein). There’s simply no evidence in Elon Musk’s history that he has ever had any concern whatsoever about sexual violence or child rape, even as there is much evidence that the man is—monstrously and even pathologically—gregariously indifferent to it. (Proof is leaving out here all the other sex traffickers and pedophiles Musk’s co-POTUS has been involved with, from Trump business partner Tevfik Arif to top Trump adviser George Nader, from Trump business associate John Casablancas to the fact that Trump himself has been credibly accused of multiple child rapes with multiple victims on multiple dates). No one concerned about sexual harm to kids would gut the child safety team at Twitter or boast of being “best friends” with a known sex criminal like Trump. In fact, Musk’s associations with sex criminals are so legion that as a former public defender who worked felony sex crime cases for years I can say his eagerness to associate with pedophiles, rapists, abusers, and sex traffickers almost certainly places him in the top 0.001% of all men worldwide.
Musk falsely attributes fully 100% of these alleged 250,000 to 1 million children who are supposedly being raped right now to “migrant gangs,” when there is no evidence any such gangs exist—let alone are responsible for 10 to 20 times more child abuse instances each day than the United Kingdom is experiencing (from all causes) per annum. To be clear, in the United Kingdom, as in every country child sex abuse is indeed happening and is absolutely horrifying; those people who engage in it should be locked up for decades—in many instances, for life—and those who, like Elon Musk, knowingly enable it by celebrating and working with those who commit sex crimes should be permanently shunned from polite society. But given that studies have shown that only a minuscule percentage of such abuse cases in the United Kingdom (0.5%) are being committed by “groups” at all, and that these groups most “commonly” comprise “white” members—and when they don’t, they comprise nonwhite British citizens who are decidedly not migrants—the figure we have for the phenomenon Musk is saying is happening “250,000 to a million times daily” is somewhere well south of 150 annually. (To explain how Proof arrives at this figure: The data suggests 0.5% of the 61,000 child abuse incidents in the United Kingdom annually are attributable to “groups,” but at least half of those 300 or so cases have been attributed to “whites.” Moreover, even if the non-white-perpetrator-group cases number 150 per year, these aren’t “migrant groups” as Musk falsely claims but groups of British citizens who happen to be nonwhite).
Musk falsely claims Tories have supported investigating all of this, and Labour has not. You can see, by now, exactly how Musk’s psy-op is operating: he believes that widespread violence in the United Kingdom over the immigration question will lead to a more favorable business environment for his companies and more geopolitical power for him in particular—which is why he cozied up to England’s newest far-right party, Reform UK, and is now making noise about funding it so he can be the largest longstanding patron of a future government regime. He thus needs a crisis in England that in actuality has little to do with either nonwhites or migrants to (a) be wildly blown out of proportion in terms of its hard data, (b) be falsely associated with nonwhite migrants, and (c) be connected in the popular imagination with a supposed cover-up by the very left-wing political entities that Musk needs to see destroyed for his own ends.
All this is very obvious amateur intelligence work. There’s no artfulness to it. It’s just the world’s richest man, who currently has the world’s largest megaphone via Twitter and the American co-presidency, spreading lies that he knows are lies but which have been calibrated to achieve a specific outcome: racial violence followed by the rise of a far-right government in the United Kingdom that will be politically and financially in hock to him, and thus temperamentally inclined to let him do whatever he wants in all of the industry spheres listed above. Literally anyone who is not an “Elongelical” can see all this unfolding in real time and plain view; there is no conspiracy theory extant here to be indulged, simply a series of unambiguous public maneuvers none can deny.
Musk is attempting the same maneuver in Germany with his support of the neo-Nazi AfD Party over “immigration” issues.
Musk is likely to make similar plays in other European countries in the days ahead, with recent reports suggesting that his next target is U.S. ally—and Putin nemesis—Norway.
And Musk is most certainly attempting the same maneuver here in America.
Meanwhile, in non-U.S.-allied nations where there is no democracy to subvert—for instance, China and Russia—Musk is taking a different tack, holding clandestine communications with the leaders of these countries in which he promises them various goodies from the giant passel of these he now has as the world’s richest (and soon to be most powerful) man.
And again, none of this is a secret. None of it is some conspiracy years of research has uncovered. It is all—now that the Wall Street Journal has revealed Musk’s clandestine communications with Putin—out in the public sphere, well known and understood.
Will President Musk Seek to Collapse America?
There is ample evidence that—even after acquiring absolute power in America—Musk isn’t done causing pain here, and Proof isn’t referring to his deranged promise to working-class Americans to cause them “hardship” via his plans for the economy.
Musk appears to want to stoke violence against the U.S. government, or else justify wild near-term overreach by armed components of the federal government—the latter an outcome that makes more sense given that, starting on January 20, 2025, Musk is more or less the U.S. government—as evidenced by his willingness to spread the sort of anti-government conspiracy theories that stoke far-right domestic terror against government targets if doing so can distract attention from the use of a Cybertruck in the recent Las Vegas Attack (whose perpetrator has been revealed as both a Trump and Musk fan):
Musk has tried to claim that the fact that both the Las Vegas Attack and New Orleans Attack were committed by men who served at Fort Bragg means the two events are related—even though federal law enforcement has now said over and over again that the men did not overlap at Fort Bragg and that the two attacks are unrelated. But that is not the narrative Musk wants; the truth of the situation is inconvenient to his own business and burgeoning political interests, as is often the case. But to pivot from that fact to pretending the two early 2025 attacks didn’t occur at all, as he has now done, is beyond the pale:
Musk, who has no expertise of any kind relating to criminal justice, criminal law, or criminology, has been told repeatedly that crime data is extremely sensitive and must be carefully deployed, as unlike—say—misinformation or disinformation about a topic like Interior Decorating, misleading or made-up crime data can (while also being extremely useful for far-right demagogues like Musk) stoke civil unrest and even mass violence. Consider, for instance, the tweet below, just posted by Musk in the last 24 hours:
No criminal justice expert would post data like this. Why? Because single-variable crime data is always dangerous junk. Any serious crime data controls for exactly the sort of variables one can foresee must come into play when (for instance) foreign immigrants are compared to citizens. On average—this is especially true in Europe—recent immigrants are much poorer than citizens, live in much closer proximity to one another, and live in communities that are much more aggressively policed, all factors that tend to lead to higher incidences of crime (not just sex crimes but any crime).
Moreover, in Europe recent immigrants tend to live in ethnic enclaves where denizens follow the customs of their home countries as much as they do local laws. In Germany, the age of consent is just 14—which is already considered, incidentally, an abomination by most people in the United States (where the age of consent varies by state but tends to be 16 or 17)—whereas in Pakistan the earliest one can marry is 14, but sex outside marriage is forbidden. The result of this is that Pakistani immigrant girls who are 12 or 13 may well have already met the man their families wish for them to marry (if not formally than via acclamation within the enclave) when they turn 14. To be clear, Proof doesn’t believe anyone under 18 can meaningfully consent to either sex or marriage; the point here is underscore that the crime data Elon Musk amplifies to hundreds of millions of people is not only not serious but clearly carries a political agenda with it.
The purpose of the chart above is to falsely imply Pakistanis are natively prone to sex crimes. In fact, if the data controlled for citizenship status, financial status, and zip code (or the equivalent) most or all these differences in crime rates would disappear—and what remained would be explained by how white German police officers interact with non-whites versus whites, how recent immigrants struggle to acclimate to laws that may fly in the face of their home cultures, and the fact that living arrangements in some subcommunities put far more people in contact with one another on a daily basis (which is just about the most reliable predictor of future crime reports there is).
What’s terrifying about this is that Musk plays the same games with U.S. crime data.
Musk routinely amplifies anonymous white-supremacist Twitter feeds that publish single-variable “crime data” in which the only variable is race or ethnicity—precisely how U.S. bigots have sought to convince new recruits that nonwhites are natively more dangerous than whites for generations and generations. These data-sets never control for socioeconomic status, location, educational level, or any of the factors that any serious criminal justice expert would demand be part of the analysis. So why does Musk, who knows so little about criminal justice that he should be exclusively relying on experts and eschewing any contact with white-supremacist non-experts—keeping in mind that he knows that misused, misinterpreted, or manufactured crime data can actually get people killed—keep spreading this data to hundreds of millions of people?
You know the answer. All of America knows the answer. Foreign governments know the answer. Donald Trump knows the answer. Musk’s Big Tech allies and enablers know the answer. Major media knows the answer. Even “Elongelical” cultists know the answer. And yes, Musk—a child of South African apartheid, and a man whose horrifically bigoted father Errol says Elon shares his political views—certainly knows.
The Devolution of Elon Musk
There is—and this can’t be emphasized enough—no plan whatsoever, in the United States or abroad, to brook Elon Musk’s dangerous ambitions. Nor is there, as his public declarations become more egregiously deranged, anyone in his life willing to remind him he’s about to become co-President of the United States and therefore should begin comporting himself as an adult rather than a ketamine-addled child.
Indeed, Musk’s public conduct is getting more dangerous, not less.
For instance, he now casually publishes memes endorsing the central tenet of QAnonism, a domestic terror movement in the United States that has killed people:
Nor does there appear to be any racist meme Musk won’t amplify. With respect to the tweet below, for instance, putting aside the sheer improbability that any person in Afghanistan whose house is being raided by U.S. Army Rangers will decide to rape a boy in full view of the foreign soldiers inside his home instead of doing, well, anything else, in what universe is Musk personally aware of and able to verify “many such stories”?
He has not and cannot, of course. The very premise is facially preposterous; no serious person would credit a tweet like the one above, let alone amplify it, let alone seek to bolster its credibility. Musk is spreading this content because it amplifies a worldview he believes will enrich and empower him through the ascendancy of far-right politics and fascist autocracies worldwide.
Indeed, as a retired comms professor I must add several additional observations about the post above that further underscore Musk’s willful media illiteracy: (1) Musk is replying to and amplifying an anonymous feed, which one can never ethically do unless the content is confirmably anodyne (i.e., any content that requires expert knowledge to produce and/or understand must be sourced to an institution with ethical guidelines or to an expert publishing under their real name); (2) the anonymous feed Musk is citing isn’t even claiming firsthand knowledge of the child rapes referenced, but is claiming to have this information from third parties with diagnosed mental illnesses (doubly calling into question the alleged data); (3) Musk is bolstering the credibility of this data with his own personal word-of-honor, despite offering no additional proof or cite to confirm that what he’s saying is true (or even that he has ever been in a position to accrue the sort of knowledge he now says he has); and (4) Musk is doing all this while aware of his undeserved reputation as one of the smartest men on Earth (which means some, preposterously, take his word at face value, and he knows this), likewise aware that he’ll only infrequently be “Community Noted” on Twitter, and the manufacturer of his own history-making social media audience (as he has repeatedly re-jiggered the algorithm at Twitter to amplify his words). So his responsibility to exercise caution—even if he weren’t about to become an unelected co-POTUS—would be world-leading.
Yet the sole purpose of a tweet like the one above by Elon Musk is to spread racism and Islamophobia, and thereby stoke racial tensions in nations with large numbers of Muslim migrants. Not surprisingly, those nations tend to be Western democracies, as unlike the autocracies Musk favors, Western democracies believe in the value of a diverse citizenry and the ennobling effects of exhibiting generosity to refugees and the poor. In contrast, Musk, Trump, and the murderous foreign autocrats they seek to woo for business and geopolitical purposes have no interest in those ideals, and thus little interest in migrants, refugees, or (if they’re a Christian-majority nation) Muslims.
Worst of all, not only does Elon Musk regularly post material like this—nearly all the tweets by Musk published in this report are from the last 24 hours—but he amplifies material of this sort even as he daily castigates all professional media outlets as worthless propaganda tools and urges his hundreds of millions of readers to use his platform as their sole source of news. Who but a villain tells news consumers to only use one source of news (let alone one that villain personally controls and secretly manipulates)? When did that sort of thing cease to be a pretty obvious sign of a person with malign intent?
So what would a voter in the United States or Europe find on their Twitter feed if they were to abandon all major media and get their news from Twitter? Mainly, posts from Elon Musk that have been foisted upon them by an algorithm Musk personally wrote.
With all this in mind, it’s simply well past time to admit that the only possible agenda Musk could have in engaging in this behavior is to stoke not just mass disinformation generally but the sort of disinformation that provokes racial and ethnic and religious animus and—in short order—mass violence. That’s certainly been the case for both the QAnonist rhetoric Musk regularly spreads and for the false information he’s now spreading regarding the current crisis in the United Kingdom, which he’s well aware has already sparked mass riots.
So the best-case scenario is that musk is indifferent to human life, and the worst-case scenario is that he wants to see the lives of those who disagree with him snuffed out en masse.
In the United Kingdom, some of the very Labour politicians Musk is trying to have arrested or killed via vigilante violence—or, at a minimum, voted out of office by low-information voters who have been systematically lied to by a man who clearly has no abiding issue with sexual violence generally or child sex exploitation specifically—have now been heard to warmly invite Musk to partner with them: “We’re willing to work with Elon Musk, who I think has got a big role to play with his social media platform to help us and other countries tackle these serious issues. If he wants to work with us and roll his sleeves up, we’d welcome that.”
Historians must experience a degree of second-hand embarrassment and first-hand horror watching British leaders attempt to appease a fascist leopard who wants to eat their faces—indeed almost as much embarrassment and horror as in the late 1930s.
But it is at least heartening that not every British leader is doing so. British Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has just publicly lambasted Musk and his followers for their “lies and misinformation” and apparently “getting some vicarious thrill from street violence.” In his presser Starmer noted that, in supporting a career criminal like Tommy Robinson, men like Musk are lionizing a man who almost caused a grooming case to collapse with his racist disinformation; it appears Musk can recognize a fellow man looking to advantage himself off the suffering of rape victims when he sees one.
The New Musk Modus Operandi
In his engagements and gambits around the world, Elon Musk now has a recognizable modus operandi we must acknowledge and detail:
He finds a cause people who want to be seen as good people would naturally gravitate toward, so from outside looking in he appears to be “doing good.” This could be green energy (via Tesla), curing or alleviating blindness and certain forms of paralysis (via Neuralink), providing internet to poor rural communities (via Starlink), cutting supposed government waste (via DOGE), exploring the cosmos (SpaceX), ending supposed voter fraud (via America PAC), or fighting child endangerment (as Musk claims to be doing in the “grooming gangs” crisis).
He makes sure that the cause in question is also one that’s incredibly hard to understand, hard to advance, and hard to solve—so that most of those who talk about it will be people who do so not because they’re familiar with its contours or actually invested in working on it personally but because its very opacity and intractability make it useful as a rhetorical cloak to obscure one’s real interests. Take any issue Elon Musk claims he’s working on, and it meets this standard. And note, too, that all of these issues are also ones on which Musk could be urging his fans to pursue solutions in incremental ways that don’t enrich him. For instance, Musk could urge his fans who say they care about the environment to recycle; in fact, he recently told them to stop recycling (he wants to redirect federal monies that are presently dedicated to recycling initiatives, even though a video he cited for the premise that recycling is “pointless” made the opposite observation with respect to all recycling initiatives except for those involving certain plastics). Just so, Musk could use his infamously stingy and self-interested Musk Foundation to support non-bioengineering research that could help resolve the ailments he says Neuralink may one day address; in fact, the Musk Foundation annually violates the laws on minimum giving by charitable foundations and almost exclusively gives money to Musk’s own enterprises. Musk could push for existing federal EV tax credits about to be expanded to include Hyundai and Kia vehicles to be upheld but he hasn’t done so (and the Trump-Musk administration is now expected to sunset them). He could use his America PAC to end voter suppression—an ailment American democracy suffers from that’s well-documented in, for instance, hours-long voting lines in college-campus and poor majority-minority urban precincts—but instead he’s focused on voter fraud, a mirage that data confirms is not a serious problem in the United States. He could urge his fans to foster abused children and/or support new tax incentives for those who do, but in fact he opposes all new spending that would benefit children specifically—and instead tells even his poorest followers to have as many children as possible, precisely the sort of disastrously unwise family planning decision that leads to widespread child abuse. He could have tried to help NASA maintain its own rocketry initiatives, but in fact he spent the late 2000s and early 2010s secretly lobbying to destroy NASA’s shuttle program so that his fledgling company could make hundreds of billions of dollars on private space exploration and transport that would be entirely under his thumb (which he has now done). In short, Musk categorically pursues issues only to the extent that they enrich him, and never takes any steps beyond that bare minimum—or any steps that might cost him, no matter how serious the situation or how dire the circumstances that he claims to be trying to address.
He lies about his success in addressing the issue, hiding the fact that almost nothing he does alleviates any of the problems he claims to be solving. The Boring Company left behind a trail of broken promises to cities Musk said its work would save. He’s been repeatedly caught faking supposed successes of his dodgy robots. Tesla “full self-driving” has repeatedly been falsely touted, and even the product Musk has shipped absolutely no one wants—as it’s not safe, useful, or functional. Every SpaceX timeline has been blown through by years and years and years, always shamelessly and always without apology or explanation, and in fact the very same trend (so persistent as to start to seem like business fraud) is evident with nearly every Musk project. If Musk says something about one of his products, you can be almost certain that what he has said is untrue. What kind of way is that to do business, let alone in fields where your customers are depending upon your integrity with their very lives? Did you know “Tesla has the highest fatal accident rate of all auto brands”? Did you know that SpaceX habitually and knowingly violates federal law? That Neuralink stands accused of premeditated (and covered up) mass cruelty to animals? That Grok maintains a persistent right-wing bias that appears to have been a deliberate creation? What Musk product functions well, precisely? Certainly not Twitter. Or even the much-touted Starlink, which when given away “for free”… came with huge hidden costs.
When Musk does appear to solve a problem, he immediately begins misusing the solution. Consider the aforementioned Starlink, which has done a fantastic job of solving the lack of internet access in certain communities—but is now being used by Musk to control military operations worldwide and, moreover, as a justification for cruelly opposing every federal government initiative seeking to get high-speed internet to rural communities (and for all that Musk in grandiose fashion promises to make Starlink available for free during emergencies, it’s in fact never free—costing even those in mid-emergency a minimum of a staggering $400 to access). Or consider SpaceX, whose rocket successes could be amazing for close-orbit scientific research aboard the ISS, but will instead be increasingly directed toward getting the mining equipment onto Mars that Musk believes could make him the world’s first centi-trillionaire. Or how about the fact that Musk’s supposed goal with Tesla was to make low-cost, high-quality EVs, but now his focus seems to be on putting the best technology his companies develop into luxury EVs even he admits no one can afford—even as his low-end EVs have been found to have the worst initial quality and one of the highest recall records of any vehicles on the road. At Twitter, Musk managed to vanquish owners he said were too “political,” only to spend the next two years transforming himself into the most openly political CEO in America—one who’s repeatedly tampered with the algorithm at his social media platform to further favor the right-wing users (most notably himself) it already provably favored before he took over the company. In short, somehow a Musk business success never actually seems to end up being a win for anyone but Musk. And that trend is so consistent as to be not just unmistakable but, by now, clearly a carefully premeditated phenomenon.
Musk always makes sure that a very small number of very vocal people are made rich by his schemes, so that he can deploy these shills—and amplify them—as converts who will sing his praises endlessly. There’s a very good reason the term “Elongelicals” was created: it denotes people so unscrupulous and selfish that as long as Musk has enriched them (usually through their holding of Tesla stock or their receipt of some preferential treatment at Twitter or another of Musk’s firms) they’ll support him and his endeavors no matter what. These are people who pay such close attention to Musk—and he counts on this—that they can make lots of money by buying into one of his “memecoin” hoaxes, like Dogecoin or Kekius, at exactly the right moment. Or they buy and sell preposterously valuable—and also preposterously overvalued—Tesla shares at exactly the right moment. Or they benefit from being among the few people Musk allowed early on—always on the basis of politics or a user’s fealty to him—to have “subscribers” on Twitter (as despite his claim anyone could make money on Twitter, in fact for its first year the monetization waitlist was impossible to get off of, per hundreds of Redditor complaints; once creators started getting approved, Mr. Musk quickly changed the metrics of the program to make it much harder to earn significant money; he also removed, for extended periods of time, any Twitter feature that could make creators money but did not enrich him as well, such as the very popular “tip jar.”)
These are, again, pretty obvious indications of a long con—and a man who loves cons.
But they work.
They work because they at once promote virality and eviscerate criticism, thereby creating a scenario in which Musk creates products so many people rely upon that Musk himself becomes, like a corrupt bank in the late 2000s, simply “too big to fail.”
The reality, now, is that no government can cut ties with Musk entirely because they all rely on him too much; too many of his allies are dangerous and unscrupulous; and he spreads to money around the globe so strategically (albeit almost never to charities) that many people now in power are either already funded by him or else anticipate him one day becoming their patron. And now, increasingly, with Musk’s ownership of Twitter having quickly made him (though his own machinations) its most ardent and algorithmically amplified user, many individuals are afraid to cross Musk simply because he’s clearly willing to stochastically direct hate and possibly violence against anyone who crosses him. The “grooming gangs” crisis is the best example of this yet.
This, then, is the latest and most dangerous phase in Musk’s multi-faceted long con—itself an outgrowth of his renewed litigiousness against anyone who displeases him (he knows that he needn’t be right on any legal question, he merely needs to bankrupt via the legal process any person or entity he dislikes, as he has now repeatedly done).
But whereas Musk’s “lawfare” was odious but legal, his latest maneuvers—aimed at those persons he feels he can’t gain power over any other way—are quite possibly illegal. That’s why there’s now talk of arresting him. It turns out that inciting a civil war might just still be illegal in certain places in the West, for all that America’s handling of Donald Trump’s key role in January 6 would appear to indicate otherwise.
Sidebar: The Adrian Dittman Fiasco
One of many indicators that Elon Musk is experiencing a fraying psyche—beyond his avid drug use, a report indicating his employees nearly had to do a police-conducted “wellness check” on him, an accusation that he absconded with three of his children, a claim from the mother of three of his kids that his personality is “unrecognizable” from what it was just a couple years ago, his increasingly open white supremacy, and the inordinate amount of time he appears to be spending playing Diablo IV and Path of Exile 2 rather than running any of his many companies—is a year-plus of pointless turmoil centered on a question Musk could have answered in thirty seconds if he had wanted to: whether or not one of his fake accounts on Twitter (as he is confirmed by a lawsuit to have at least two sock-puppet accounts) is Adrian Dittmann, a far-right man whose voice is identical to Elon’s and often speaks of Elon in the first person.
Two days ago—on January 4, 2025—it was revealed in The Spectator, after a lengthy investigation by the magazine’s staff, that Adrian Dittmann is in fact a German-born Fijian of that name who has a Filipina girlfriend, spent years living in Gibraltar and Morocco, and hails from a wealthy family that does significant business in Australia; in other words, of all the nations Dittmann could be said to have any association with, none of them are Elon Musk’s: Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, and South Africa. The real Dittmann is an Elon Musk superfan who is the son of two Elon Musk superfans; the Dittmanns appear to be fabulously wealthy (among many other business endeavors, “The family recently opened a solar-powered maritime lifestyle service warehouse for superyachts”) and are in the process of trying to convince Musk to do business with them.
Meanwhile, Adrian himself has participated in Musk Foundation competitions and, per The Spectator, first spoke directly with Musk in 2023. Given that Dittmann holds some extremely far-right views, one might’ve thought Musk would want to distance himself from someone whose ideologies would be incompatible with someone who will shortly be executing many of the duties of an American president. But in fact not only has that not happened, the opposite has happened.
When The Spectator published its report revealing that Adrian Dittmann is a real man—but, critically, not in any way doxxing him (that is, revealing his personal contact info or home address), which would have been in violation of Twitter guidelines— Musk appears to have personally intervened to not only ban publication of the article on Twitter and ban the reporter who wrote the article from Twitter for a month but comment on the by-then deleted article by… falsely confessing to be Adrian Dittmann.
This is not acceptable behavior for a business leader.
This is not acceptable behavior for a politician.
Frankly, this is not acceptable behavior for an adult.
But placed in combination with the many lawsuits against Mr. Musk for his cavalier hyperbole on social media, alleged sexual and racial discrimination at his companies, video of him smoking pot during a media interview, and his recent decision to show up to a meeting recently with French President Emmanuel Macron and say publicly— before the cameras—that he was “clubbing” so hard the night before he had to “sleep in his car,” there is real reason to be concerned that the most powerful man on Earth is also deeply unwell psychologically. That he is willing to troll the entire world over “Adrian Dittmann,” for his own smug satisfaction, no matter what the consequences are, is a sign of a deeply juvenile and malformed persona.
Certainly, a grown man who (see image below) celebrates the new year by changing his Twitter avatar to a white supremacist meme and his handle to a white supremacist slogan and his main bio icon to crossed swords (popularly said to symbolize “conflict, battle, confrontation, or a readiness to fight”) is not someone who should be close to the White House, let alone in sole control—as Trump seems to have promised him—over federal executive-branch spending.
Yet the fact that Musk spent almost 300 million to elect Trump and his allies through PACs, and another $44 billion for the purchase of Twitter—which he now admits was a purchase with political aims (contrary to everything he told Americans at the time)—means that the Republican Party will more or less give him the keys to America now.
Those who thought that the GOP doing so would only endanger America are learning now that in fact this Republican cowardice and venality is going to endanger—indeed, already is endangering—the whole world.
I worked with many child rape victims as a public defender. No one who has ever met a rape survivor—of any age—would ever lie even once about child rape, so serious is the subject and so grievous are the traumas visited for a lifetime upon its victims.
That Elon Musk is cavalierly lying about child rape confirms he’s not serious about the issue—it’s merely a means to an end for him—even were his candidly disgusting past and current associations with sex criminals and deviants not already evidence of that. All of which makes it even more alarming that, in the United States, we’ve gone well beyond merely permitting Musk to remain a member of polite society and in fact made this unelected former illegal immigrant a de facto President of the United States.
Meanwhile, in Germany, the neo-Nazi AfD is having its top leaders conduct fawning interviews with Musk. And on Twitter, Musk has turned the aforementioned career criminal and dangerous far-right extremist Robinson—who hides his real name, i.e. Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon, to hide from his fans his many past criminal convictions—into a folk hero (in fact, Robinson is only on Twitter at all because Mr. Musk let him back on the platform after a prior banning). In elegiacally romanticizing Robinson, Musk has repeatedly lied about why Robinson was recently incarcerated, claiming it was for “memes and Facebook posts” decrying child rape when, in fact, it’s because Mr. Robinson repeatedly deliberately endangered the life of an innocent young man—a Syrian refugee—by falsely accusing him of Rape. When a court ordered Robinson to stop doing this, he refused. Why? Because the lie was making him both wealthy and popular (though he claimed bankruptcy when he ordered to compensate the refugee for having libeled him). Clearly Robinson is the sort of man Musk sees a lot of himself in.
But even so, there are no evident plans to stop him. Sure, he could perhaps be arrested if he enters the United Kingdom, but why would he ever do that? He can control most of the world from his Texas lair (he apparently moved many of his business operations and many of his employees to Texas—upending their lives and potentially harming his company’s profits—primarily to offer himself the legal protection of a federal judge who holds Tesla stock) and/or from his fabulously expensive new bungalow at Mar-a-Lago (which could see him paying the notoriously greedy and frugal Trump nearly three quarters of a million annually in what sure looks like an illegal bribe, and this does not include the $1 million fee for a Mar-a-Lago membership). And even if he did go abroad and get arrested, he would instantly make bail and simply never return to that country again. Nor will the United States ever help extradite Elon Musk abroad; he’s simply too entwined with our national security apparatus to be made an enemy of.
So what’s the solution here?
There doesn’t appear to be one.
As Trump effectively withdraws America from NATO, makes enemies of our allies and allies of our enemies, and continues saber-rattling about invading allied nations, Musk’s own unhinged conduct will dovetail with and thereby treble the efficacy of his co-president’s foreign-policy mania, pleasing Putin to no end and playing such vile games abroad until a small number of people die in the United States or the United Kingdom or Germany or France…
and then Musk will continue playing these games until a large number of people die in the United States or the United Kingdom or Germany or France.
And why not? Musk has already seen from Mr. Trump going scot-free after January 6 that there is simply no institutional will in the United States to indict anyone rich or powerful or well-connected or famous—at least not at the level of Trump or Musk—for either serious financial crimes, election interference, or inciting mass violence.
Musk is sure he’ll get a pass for all of it, and it’s the opinion of Proof that he’s wholly correct in that.
And as all this is happening, what will continue to slip beneath the radar is a bizarre coarsening of American culture that is authored by Trump and Musk and cannot be undone—any more than the lives Trump and Musk have cost in the past and will cost in the years ahead can be retrieved. Consider the hair-raising Musk tweet below (two images are required to show its context in full):
Musk here identifies the enemies of the United States: (1) women and femininity; (2) men who attempt to work via consensus, rather than the “Great Men” of Thomas Carlyle’s Great Man Theory, who dictate events via autocratic fiat or idiosyncratic force (think John Galt from Ayn Rand’s Objectivist-cum-fascist, onanistic fantasy novel Atlas Shrugged); and (3) democratically elected politicians—as Musk makes clear that it is “good” when a democratically elected leader (Canada’s Justin Trudeau) is forced out of office in part because of attacks from foreigners (Americans), that it is “good” when another democratically elected politician (the United Kingdom’s Sir Keir Starmer) is hounded to the point of resignation by foreigners (again, Americans), but also that it is “good” when a murderous foreign dictator (El Salvador’s Nayib Bukele) meets with success at suppressing his population through illegal mass arrests and it is “good” when a would-be autocrat in Argentia (Javier Milei), who famously shouted on television “You can’t give shit leftists a single millimeter!” is mainstreamed. Musk is so radical, now, that with a straight face he calls the Associated Press “Associated Propaganda” and swears that “[human] civilization would have been lost” had the United States not re-elected a 34-times-convicted felon who is also an adjudicated rapist and told over 30,500 lies to voters the last time he was in office.
And for all this, Elon Musk publicly adjudges himself to be merely a “centrist”:
That he may really believe this only highlights how dangerously deranged he’s become.
Coda: More Deranged Musk Tweets From the Last 2 Days
And finally, we here see Twitter users from around the world frantically trying to “Community Note” Musk but finding it difficult to keep up with his lies (as he’s now tweeting over fifty times a day—almost exclusively disinformation—which is much faster than the Community Notes system can move, as Musk is well aware). Click the image to enlarge it:
Elon seems to be deteriorating mentally as well. His is different than Trump's, but it's no less dangerous. And we got here with him because people wanted to see him as a savior, as the next Steve Jobs, or someone even better or greater than him. But Jobs, for all his manifold faults, genuinely changed the world in impressive ways that we clearly needed, and the world would be a darker place without Apple. Elon has never achieved anything worthy, something that can be said "We needed him and his companies to exist."
Imagine where we'd be if NASA had done a public campaign after Columbia to not only win back support but also get the government to properly fund it again; a campaign of when being attacked for "You lied to Congress to get the Shuttle done," the response would've been "Yes, and we did it because we were fighting for our very existence! We had to say what YOU wanted to hear, or you would've shut us down! We've had to live on scraps because you forgot spaceflight is not meant to turn a commercial profit! It's not meant to have an ROI! If you'd given us what we needed, we would've designed it better and Challenged and Columbia would never have happened! Congress bears blame for this too!"
Imagine if Obama had said commercialized spaceflight is a boondoggle, and it's only meant to be the purview of NASA and her fellow government agencies worldwide. Oh, how different it would be, and Elon's "savior" image would never have taken hold.
I've always thought the freakiest part is the dozen kids, by wives, girlfriends and surrogates... Cavalierly doing them all developmental damage by casually separating them from their mothers, whether at birth or later on, Grimes' babies withheld from her for months. Trauma to child eitherway. Also, how many revolving nannies to produce the 'toddlers come to NY eve at Mar A Lago" spectacle? There is a team making possible the photo op. His grandiosity regarding the 'power of his seed' is staggering. As though nurture plays no part at all.
Seems to me Elon's shaping experiences were abandonment, Narcissistic parents, existing to gratify them/ not as your own person, resulting in zero relational skills, and no meta for what actually produces happy children.