I want to know if anyone from DOJ is investigating Eric Prince, especially after his indictment in Austria for arms trafficking. We haven’t heard squat about it since the story broke back in May. Also, how the hell did Ivanka slip through Leticia James’ fingers on this? You can’t tell us she wasn’t involved in the trump crime organization way back in 2011?

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Will we ever hear about the extent of Ginni Thomas involvement in the CNP and the insurrection? Also wanting more details on Transnational Organized Crime. Thanks for the hard work and commitment Seth.

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In 2015 I remember reading a brilliant article you wrote right about the time Trump got elected where you stated, essentially, that things were gonna get far worse before they got better. That America was about to go through hell.

First, I wanted to commend you on your prescience. I've followed you closely ever since. Second, is the article still anywhere? I have searched unsuccessfully many times, and I fear it was lost in XTwitter's implosion.

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Why do you think the J5 bomb planter has not been identified - the FBI has been able to ID so many people from the actual insurrection, what is so difficult with the photo evidence of the bomb planter?

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Do you agree with those who believe that Trump is already disqualified for running for president according to the Constitution, and if so, do you think we have any effective mechanism to keep him off the ballots? Might it turn into a partisan state-by-state fiasco... or would an attempt to keep him off result in total chaos and potentially another armed uprising?

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When will every trump-case judge break apart the conflicted sharing of lawyers which allows trump to surveil and control the cases of coconspirators who could turn against trump to save their own hides? The conflict of interest is unethical, obstructs justice, is it illegal? Don’t the judges see that allowing that makes them look like sleazy enablers helping trump?

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Seth, you do outstanding work. I recall you doing some livestreaming through Instagram in the past. You did say you didn't like how you presented yourself on video (I thought it was fantastic haha).

Now that twitter is in ruins, would you ever consider:

1. Doing more livestreaming?

2. Hiring someone to put your long-form content into video-essay format (youtube or shorter on tik-tok)?

I say this because when I look at your Proof posts, I go, "wow, this is so well done, but it's so long".

It is in my humble opinion that this content could reach a much wider audience in this format. It would be more digestible and match people's attention span.

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It's impossible to play a serious game of chess when your opponent is flinging their doody, having a tantrum, and smearing their pureed mangos on the table. Is democracy doomed when one of the essential parties has been bought by the billionaire class, acts solely in bad faith, won't take anything seriously, and wants to see it all burn down? Can it ever be turned around or is the misinformation machine that feeds legions of dumb, fearful, and whiny right wingers with imagined grievances and fake scary "news" going to bring us down for good?

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Hi Seth—I haven’t forgotten the involvement of Emily Murphy in jamming up the transition process in 2020. While this might not be criminal, do you think it will ever be investigated? I am dying to know who all was involved, how was it coordinated and directed, how early in the campaign/election it was conceived, etc. Thank you!

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Seth, aside from it’s full-scale invasion and genocide in Ukraine, how much is Russia interfering with and influencing current events -- politically, economically, culturally, etc. -- here in the U.S.?

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Why has American Major media ignored all of your outstanding work throughout the Trump era?

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Hi Seth, gosh I think you’re going to be busy with all these questions! I was wondering, if Trump skips justice where would he go, Saudi or Russia? Would they want him? I remember, in the run up to 2016, seeing two old men at a GOP rally in ‘Better Putin than Democrats’ shirts and being chilled. What has happened to the USA? You’re doing sterling work. Keep safe and thanks for your insights.

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Hi Seth, why does it seem the justice department is dragging it's feet in indicating members of Congress that were involved in the planning for Jan 6th, including one Supreme Court Justice's wife. Would think giving these people something to think about rather than shutting down the government and burning it all down might help the situation?

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What hasn’t anyone from Congress been indicted for their actions on and before J6?

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do you think Trump will be the Republican nominee, and do you think he will be convicted of a crime and serve time in Jail

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Trump is now suing Michael Steele for defamation for the dossier? Late and clumsy punch? And sure to lose? Further reveals trump as consummate narcissist - his entire life & “empire” are utterly collapsing in court, but he has to settle ancient personal scores, put his finger in the breached dike, fig leaf, distract media with shiny objects! Hope he runs out of shiny objects.

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