i live in fla. the repubs control everything. pay for play. desantis gave the covid vax to a repub friendly grocery chain after they gave him $100K. now that former guy is here, the whole state will become even more criminal. they just passed a new casino in miami. former guy wants doral to be a casino and pressing gov and legislature to legalize this session. former guy partner in las vegas phil griffin bought old jai lai fronton and wants to build a hotel and new casino. big push for gambling now that former guy in palm beach and broke. and they really ruined med marijuana. just cared that their people got the $$$. they just ran a straw man in an election and the dem candidate lost by 34 votes. at least they have been indicted. thx for pulling all these actors together into bigger picture. hope FBI paying attention. that ballard rep and fl dbpr head have both resigned tells you something coming. what a nest of freaking criminals. we have to turn fla and tx blue and stop this s--t forever!

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Why do the ppl in Florida continue to vote for these criminals to lead them.

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It's been clear since the FL sec. of state was also George W.'s campaign manager for FL that the place is a cesspool. When the news of Robert Kraft's bust at the FL massage parlor broke, and FL massage parlors became a brief sidebar, I wondered about Elaine Chao and her family. FL needs women for massage parlors, the Chaos ship stuff around the world for a living (including an attempt to ship cocaine out of Colombia). The Chaos would have an easy time finding women in China and the means of shipping them to FL (and elsewhere?). McConnell is anxious to get out of D.C., where there are multiple investigations ongoing. Gaetz began leaking that he might leave to become a talking head at Newsmax at about the time the FBI was digging into his case. Also, did Barr resign once he found out where the FBI's investigation was leading?

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Possibly, but Barr also had good reason to resign once he got wind of the brewing insurrection plan?

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Sunland's statement of "everybody was in the loop" has a haunting tone to it.

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Sounds like he's begging to Testify. Subpoena the Ambassador

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Not saying he was involved but his "everyone was in the loop" statement may apply here (as it did back then) and may well ring true. A total, concerted effort by many.

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Witnesses offer testimonial evidence. Bolton would be and Mattis. No one can be compelled to Obstruct by donnie now

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Mind-blowing. Keep it up, Seth. Having read both Corruption and Conspiracy, I am convinced that this tangled web goes way beyond Florida. Time (and flippers) will tell.

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TOC - translational organized crime. Nixon kept his criming within our borders, but trump took it to a global level.

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1st impression after calming breaths -- what the actual f-bomb is *wrong* with the State of Florida

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Riveting. Seth, I have followed you for 4 years on Twitter. I can't tell you how relieved it is to read your articles and research in a real format. There were times that those very long Twitter chains would Tire me and fatigue me to the point that I would stop reading. Thank you for doing what you do I find the investment I've made well worth it. I cannot get detail way ahead months and months ahead sometimes, that I can get from you. The problem is when I try to share it with family, it's just too complicated for them do you understand. Thank you again.

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Here here. While I see the dots connecting it’s tiring to read about corruption in real life.

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It’s so hard to keep track of all this corruption. I’m here because your hard work makes it much easier for us to follow the $$$$ trails. The thing I still can’t wrap my head around is this: How in the Hell do they keep getting away with all these crimes & it’s a slap in the face to Justice of America that they continue committing crimes every day and No one is going to Prison ! I mean, WTF 😡🤦‍♀️

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Such a wonderfully written piece of investigative reporting into the corrupt underworld of Florida politics that spans DC, Florida and Israel. Seth Abramson, you’re a wonder!

My husband and I have had experience with the lack of enthusiasm for justice, when we contacted the Florida AG office around the time Bondi was there. They were not interested in pursuing our $12,000 case about an investment scam, because it wasn’t big enough for them. They suggested the extensive evidence we had wasn’t enough and we should investigate it further. I asked if that wasn’t their job, as the total fraud was actually $200,000? Our part was the 12,000. But they couldn’t be bothered looking into it.

Maybe they just wanted to know who had scammed us so they could approach them for kickbacks.

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If you can't quid pro quo in FL then youre whistling the wrong tune. The trump virus has metastasized throughout the state; corruption is the platform.

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my head spins. How do they keep all their crimes straight? My opinion, Gaetz is weak, spoiled, and incapable of paying for his crimes, should it get that far. I can not any instance see him not flipping if push comes to shove.

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Or he gets snuffed.

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Wow, really eye opening to all of the players involved in this. Florida really is a swamp! I hope the FBI can indict all of them.

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Thank you Seth for reporting on this important story and helping me to understand what’s going on.

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Literally no one else is even trying

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Virginia Heffernan did some podcasts on trump. Interesting and informative. (Twitter) of course no one has done any writing as comprehensive and detailed as Seth. His Proof trilogy is awesome - and scary. MSNBC is discussing the collusion topic right now. Malcolm Nance and Frank Figluizi are 2 all stars.

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Finally. I concur they are bona fide Experts but will Grandpa Joe actually *pursue* Justice? Seems too tepid. Maybe the Veep's Office can heat things up

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As more info surfaces the DoJ will have to go forward with it - too much at stake not to. If not another attempt at insurrection will be made.

Think history, and Germany during the 1920s and '30s.

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Do you think the FBI sees the connection of bad actors and multiple criminalities as you've laid it out? It's just killing me.

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Question is does the FBI have all the resources necessary to carry out all the investigations(?) This is massive and deep.

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Enter...the DOJ, and Trump kryptonite, AG Merrick Garland...they got this!

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Another great read, Seth. Thank you for your continued dedication to this topic. After reading so much of your writings on this subject, I find myself repeatedly saying: 'oh yeah, another connection!' tRump's story is fitting more and more into place like a puzzle of a decades long grift.

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These guys are all involved in Trump's business,and have been for years, it seems... which may suggest that old Matti-boi has alot to "sing" about, when he is facing a lengthy federal prison sentence (she says, with tongue-in-cheek and one eyebrow raised).🤨🤔

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Matt Gaetz might be like Hog Heaven in there ☺

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The more we learn about the Criminality, the more Abjectly Stupid the criminals appear to be!! Nonetheless, Thanx for providing the momentary chuckles!!

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I am a newbie on here. How do you find all this information? Do you pass it on to the FBI?

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I’m sure the FBI reads everything Seth writes If they don’t well shame on them

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My head is spinning but in a good way. Oh what a tangled web we weave.....etc etc. May this all blow up in a way that ends up with people in jail for a change. No pardons too.

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