Charles Herbster is the weak links here. He is a political novice and under pressure would crack

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if the fbi or congress or grand jury can subpoena secret service logs for the former guy, then that would give his whereabouts on 1/5/21. also NSA can gather cell ph data and confirm who was at the hotel and what times. there is a way to get to the facts.

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I hope the FBI investigates this fully. I am still wondering about Bolsonaro’s son involvement on all of this.

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This is all starting to piece together to form a very ominous outline of just how close we came to becoming another Putinocratic kleptocracy on 1/6. When I put this alongside the recent work of Dave Troy, these facts throw one another into stark relief. These bumbling fools came close on 1/6, but if we don't uncover their crimes (plodding and half-assed though they were) and punish the actors sufficiently to make a harsh example of them, I think we're going to see more 'competent' traitors attempt this in the future. This is very serious work you're doing.

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It could also be as simple as getting hotel security footage, right?

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If you look at the photos of the Insurrection, 99% of the flags do not have Pence on them. That means there was premeditation on Trump’s part; someone from his team got these new flags to the insurrectionists.

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once again, AMAZING DETAILS and work!

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@FBI sure hope you have all of this information

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"What’s needed now is for Congress and major media to start vigorously reporting on—and investigating—this meeting." Damn Straight.

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My apologies, I’m too baked to understand it all right now but I’ll reread it later k thanks

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FBI knew in advance about the plot to storm the Capitol on Jan. 06, and they quietly allowed it to happen anyways. FBI seems complicit in the "inside job".

Parler referred violent content from its platform to the FBI more than 50 times in the weeks before the Jan. 06 riot at the U.S. Capitol. This includes a Dec. 24 post recruiting an "armed force of 150,000 people to react to the congressional events of Jan. 06". This also includes a Jan. 02 post from a user saying he would be wearing body armor to the pro-Trump rally on Jan. 06. "It's no longer a protest. This is a final stand where we are drawing the red line at Capitol Hill. I trust the American people will take back the USA with force and many are ready to die to take back USA." In another post, a user made clear that armed people would be at the Capitol that day. "They may be concealed at first, but if Congress does the wrong thing, expect real chaos, because Trump needs us to cause chaos to enact the Insurrection Act."


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Such great work Seth, thank you for continuous pursuit of the proof.

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Seth, is it possible that the man on the left in first photo, facing away from the camera, is Roger Stone? He wears that type of hat and overcoat

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Do we know for certain that Charles Herbster wasn’t in the White House? Odd thing for him to say.

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I found the photo of Flynn in your Jan 28 substack article, but not this one, however, you say above that the Flynn one is "below" in the photos and permanently archived here, so I thought I'd let you know. Including it would make 5 photos though.

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