It was one thing to read the NYT piece and nod, yeah we knew all that.

Your dissection creates an entirely new animal to behold in terror.

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Wow. I have to say that this is one of the most brilliantly written and compelling articles I have ever read. I call it it a Hawk's-eye view: an omniscient as well as a microscopic view blended together to create 3D imaging. This part alone is a Tour de Force, Seth : "The notion that this rather uncharitable view wasn’t far from the mark is bolstered by current facts on the ground: while Justice Scalia was a favorite of the Republican Party while it still existed, Thomas is now the favorite of the principle-free MAGA “movement”, which as a matter of temperament and inclination puts ends above means—and indeed values means not at all."

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It was this "rage" and fanaticism a la Thomas etal that was increasingly empowered by the GOP since 1980 to help take/hold power (via Koch $$ at fed/state levels). It was the r and f of right wing authoritarianism. I had always thought the Kochs were the most crazy and extreme, until the Mercers showed up in 2016 w Trump, cementing this r and f in the GOP. It is this r and f that is trumpism, that finds alignment w other authoritarians, like Putin.

The day after the 2016 election I wrote that this false victory from a faction (GOP not having been a party since mid-90s), that could only hold power by making others (even their own who didn't toe the line) fail, would continue to leave dead and wounded in their path.

As I've said before, as a babyboomer whose father fought Germans in WW2, I always wondered how Germany succumbed to the Evil of Nazism. Since 2016 I now know and now see the GOP's dead and wounded pile up, whether from COVID or now war. Unless Americans speak up with One Voice and vote out this rage and fanaticism in every office at every level for decades, the USA as we've known has died, succumbing to the decay produced by those empowered w this rage and fanaticism. Fight w One Voice, Americans, or the country you have known since its Founding will no longer exist!

PS...remember, Americans, that this rage and fanaticism now in power will have no hesitation to kill and wound you when you do not toe the line.

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Feb 24, 2022
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I have checked that out, upon your (I think) rec

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Seth - Another eye opening and incredibly disturbing report.

At a more granular level, hopefully the J6SC will immediately expand the subpoena search criteria to add “Ginni” “Thomas” and “Cleta” “Mitchell”.

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The lack of any real attempt at secrecy in the seditionists’ machinations seems to reflect Ginni’s floridly manic level of privileged “rage”. They all behaved with outright and brazen license to commit any criminal act without much concern for being discovered. “Cone of silence” indeed

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You have revealed the amalgamated beast that is Ginni Thomas and Clarence Thomas in a way the Jan 6 Committee and FBI can now only ignore at America’s peril. Let the “cone of silence” be shattered and let the ugly truth be told. Great job on this piece.

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Only .001% of us humans have the patience to reassemble data from disparate sources to create a clear picture like herein. Thank you for your service, Mr. Abramson.

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Thanks for keeping on top of all this - it is easy to see (but not excusable) how one media outlet can miss connections reported by another, and I'm liking curatorial journalism more and more as time goes on! I am just so sad that the country held up to the world as the beacon of democracy and the rule of law, can so readily be subverted by bad actors... SO FAR the system has held, but there is definitely a need to plug the gaps. I don't know how you can "fix" the Supreme Court problem of no ethical standards, as the solution of Impeachment hardly seems viable with the current GOP members holding seats.

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With the election of sufficient democrats the SC can be expanded to reroute the course of the current current court. That's the only remedy I see in my lifetime.

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There were signs indicating Ali Alexander waited for Ginni Thomas's support before FINALLY committing to Stop the Steal late Nov 4rh- even with having pre-built the Infrastructure in Sept , by the time election rolled around Ali fretted he didn't have the high power legal resources, funding etc to ramp it up nationwide. Hours later, Ali capitulated saying he would do it if he had the appropriate legal team - support , naming Ed Martin & Tom Fitton in a short list of people he trusted to help ramp STS up nationally- both are CNP and/ or affiliated with Groundswell.

Ali also posted regarding faux electors and having a multi staged plan to overturn the election as early as Nov 8th . Ed Martin. jenny Beth Martin. Fitton & other members of CNP, groundswell, Judicialworks, Eagles Shafly released a letter on Dec 10th, calling for slates of alternate electors too. Many of the signatories were involved in the "Coalition to Save America ", pushing to reopen the economy in Spring of 2020. These groups and coalitions are incredibly incestuous !

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Your last article convinced me that we had good reason to believe that Ginni Thomas was PROBABLY up to her eyeballs in all of this but this article and the new revelations in it seals the deal. Hopefully it will make a difference.

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Long overdue for Mr Thomas to RESIGN

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I've been somewhat distracted by European events but these revelations are breathtaking

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No kidding. I have to take time outs from the distance intensity of Ukraine news, so I will read this. I've saved but not yet read the NYT piece. Really pleased with Seth's timely new post!

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Feb 24, 2022
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share link with folks you know and say what a bargain a subscription is. if you can afford it gift a subscription.

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Ikr but great nations can walk & chew gum simultaneously

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not so sure about that!

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Dropping by every day in wait for the promised reporting on Ali Alexander.

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As bizarre and impossible as it may seem Putin and Trump and the Thomases, etc. are working together to overthrow our government just as they overthrow the government of Ukraine. If the J6SC doesn't start exposing this soon and Trump and the GOP take the reins again, our democracy is dead. End of story. This is how deadly serious the story Seth is writing is. My God, it is March! The committee doesn't have months to act. The invasion is designed to obliterate those months as part of its mission.

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Possibly not a tight woven "working together", but definitely all and the same goals and don't hesitate to support each other's efforts. The J6 Committee is doing a phenomonal job and actually at break neck speed given the complexity of it, and the non-coperation of some who could make it faster/easier. We don't know all they have found out, but what is public shows that they have managed to get quite a lot of background data, while the Drumpf enablers have been concentrating on avoiding testifying - and to be fair, they will take the 5th and won't tell what they know anyway! Meanwhile, insurrectionists are plea bargaining to reduce their sentences by co-operating with the cttee. The members of the cttee are aware of the time line, but it is a fine balance - get info out to expose some of the enablers in Congress v go too soon and it will be forgotten by mid-terms?? Whatever happens, it is important to have as complete an historical record at the end as possible, both for transparency and for putting in place road blocks against it ever happening again.

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Trump and Putin have been in communication from Day 1 beginning with his campaign's collusion with the Russians. The national security info he exposed is immeasurable. He is praising Putin now and is in the most expansive meaning of the word, a TRAITOR to this country. He's got to pay a price!!!!!

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This upsets me so much I can't even finish reading it. I've tried twice, and I'll try again later.

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Don't let you emotions get the better of you. It can be hard. but we all need to know.

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WOW WOW WOW! Great article,Seth. GT is definitely the leader of the plot.,etc. Her and Clarence seeking revenge.

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