So could we all report Harrington’s account as pretending to be someone else (DJT)? I know that’s not exactly correct, but at least it calls attention to what is going on since there’s not a “sock puppet” option. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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That sounds like a GOOD IDEA to me! What do you think, Seth? How does one do that? I think the Twitter rules are opaque.

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I flagged it as fake.

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Following your example, I reported several of her longer & more obvious tRump tweets as a fake account. I guess I need to put that on my daily “to do” list.

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we need to file complaints with Twitter.

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I complained to Twitter.

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I reported her account with a screenshot of her offending behavior and also started reporting all the obvious trump tweets with his screenshot “Save America”long winded comments.

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Who knew there was a limit to the number of tweets you can report? I reported every one of Harrington’s tweets that had images of Trump’s deranged “Save America press releases” in them until I got a message that said exceeded or something to that affect.

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If we tweet about all the accounts that have more followers than Harrington/Trump, he will kill it out of embarrassment. Rashid Tlaib has 3X the followers!

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100% on target 🎯

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I expressed my dismay on Twitter to @Jack. Is anyone paying attention. But it is also disconcerting who is is following her on Twitter: Pundits from the “right” and from the left, journalists, etc. Why are these people following her? Why is Trump being given so much oxygen once again? The media has to recognize their role in elevating Trump as a “viable candidate” in 2016 and providing a valuable megaphone for Trump and his sycophants. They are doing it again.

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PS: the posts on gab are identical to the ones on Lizzy Lou’s page….

Twitter should do their job!

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Just took a quick look at his ‘gab’ page—he has a post from 2 days ago where he states,

“As an answer to the many people asking, I am not on any social media platform in any way, shape, or form, including Parler, GETTR, Gab, etc. When I decide to choose a platform, or build or complete my own, it will be announced. Thank you!”

The description states it’s an “uncensored Twitter archive and shares email statements sent by The Office of Donald J. Trump.”

He’s playing dirty pool—how can he still be using the Twitter ‘archive’?

What a 🤬🤬 crook!

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I have reported some of the comments to Twitter as harmful lies, without results from Twitter.

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Those in media who speak of Trump (I am thinking now of GRAHAM) seem to ignore or have forgotten the many lawsuits that are pending against him. I CANNOT see him running in 2024. He needs $. He is more than willing to take anybody's hard-earned or easily-come-by CASH. Also, I doubt there is anybody who wants to run who would be sad if Trump didn't.

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Harrington links to articles that are really just photos of a random headline, not even dated.

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Is anyone else just very tired of looking into these vacuous cultists eyes.

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So, what can be done? It's important to point out problems, which you do spectacularly well; but equally important to suggest solutions. Otherwise it's just frustrating.

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Seth, (sorry for being somewhat off topic) I imagine you are aware of some of the more recent climate forecasts and what it means for us by the end of this century. When should we start making it a big deal. It is effecting our mental health. I guess we must remove Trumpism first. Their alternate reality will be difficult to crack, I fear.

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