While this whole situation is monstrous and could be prescient of things to come, I keep thinking of the rights of the individuals whose ballots are being handled and reviewed by non elected, non trained or certified, and non sworn people. Even the lowest poll worker has sworn an oath to maintaining the integrity and chain of custody of ballots, cast or non cast. Violations are felonies. Granted, these oaths are for "live" ballots, but if ballots are being audited due to a state decision to look for fraud, aren't they still considered live, especially if the plan is to produce them as evidence? Individual civil liberties are on the table. Could the ACLU have any role here? If I was an AZ voter, I would be contacting them as MY ballot was being tampered with.

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I would as well. And I’d be worried about the Privacy of my vote. I would not want anyone there knowing how I voted!

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This is unspeakably grim and makes me wonder about what makes people supposedly fixed on morality so gob-smackingly immoral. But my practical question is — given the number of times the former guy and his henchcritters spoke and speak of ‘rigged’ elections specifically, which to me sort of implies voting machine chicanery, and given that we KNOW the former guy always accuses the other side of doing what he’s already done — are Democrats looking at the integrity of voting machines? Especially perhaps those in areas where the outcome was a little unexpected? I’m thinking in particular of Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham....

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It appears to me that ES&S voting machines need a hard look on the voting systems integrity front. One of trump's and the GQP's biggest tells is their inate ability to project - hence the continual drone of accusations that Dominion voting systems were suspect. And guiliani's, powell's and ellis' monumental push to get Dominion wrapped up in a phony scandal - the 'shiny object' syndrome.

Question being which states use ES&S systems and what anomolies have there been irt election outcomes.

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I think they should conduct an audit immediately after these clowns are finished and ensure the totals match up to the previous audit records. The Government should meet ANY damage or noted changes to ballots with swift, firm legal action from the Government. It is now a matter of National Security, Seth.

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I agree!! Can something be done about this?!!!

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This is sickening and I feel as if someone should do something to stop this, similar to how I felt watching 1/6 live on TV. Who is in charge? I watched the interview of Akbar by whom, a representative of the Catholic Church? The right backlash in the Catholic Church pushed me out. That interview was held in front of a Catholic altar and it’s disheartening, to say the least.

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I can’t even. I’m disgusted with the è tired of the GOP for pushing these lies and allowing this to happen. Every time I read one of these posts, it makes me physically sick to my stomach.

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Thank you for connecting the dots. Across our nation, insurrectionists are being coached and even led in to venues by members of the GOP. Just yesterday,Oregon GOP Rep. Mike Nearman was charged with two crimes after video shows him leaving his seat in the middle of an emergency closed-door session on covid relief in Dec. to let insurrectionists into the building. He then went back in at a different entrance. Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Greene are hosting an event next saturday here in Florida at The Villages (an elderly trump fan community) Already the chans that were used to organize the 1/6 insurrection are lighting up with calls to action for the far right base, PB's, threepers and Oath Keepers. Keep an eye on this and please continue to connect the dots.

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Why are any of them being arrested! This is ridiculous! How can you do what they’ve done and be scot free?

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I am a non practicing Catholic and becuz of the Evangelicals n Catholics for Trump...I left Religion as a organization completely. I am totally insulted that this Catholic church would allow an interview like that in the church! The catholic church I belong to, wont marry u if u had a kid out of wed lock, if u havent been confirmed, if u been divorced. No pictures and cameras during the mass, no masses on a beach....and on and on. Yet they let these two do this. What a f'n defilement of the space.

Seth, I appreciate your ability and patience to parse through Ali's crazy ranting. 10 minutes in I was yelling how f'g crazy he sounded. How the hell do nut cases like that get the power positions they do?

They remind of the crazy teachers we had in the profession...the Administration couldn't fire them because they knew the union contract better than the union. Even the union wanted them gone but they were idiot savants and hard to get rid of them.

I am so afraid for our country. I keep hoping that the Biden administration is working beneath the scenes to stop this crap, but after watching Trump get away with crap and seemingly still getting away with crap it's hard not to be despairing. No 1/6 commission yet is cause for despair alone.

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I have to believe that the federal DAs office has been on this from the beginning. I also have to wonder why Ali Alexander remains large and what that says about how well the terrorists can operate covertly

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If the dude running the show at Cyber Ninga’s was smart he would run it out, quickly declare; “No problem with the election.” and go cash his check quickly..

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Agree. That said, is the contract public? I wouldn't be surprised if there's a clause that he won't get paid unless certain results are obtained. Private money. The goal of a sleazy consultant is to make the client happy.

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Sadly he's as dumb AF & greedy as hell.

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I am at the part of the "holy" war. My thoughts are leaning toward ISIS and the radicalism of some Muslims. It is hard to think of anything else about where Ali Akbar's motive stems.

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Ali Akbar/Alexander has been radicalized indeed, but he sounds more like an extreme paranoid version of Christianity. I just read that his father is Emirati but his mother is Christian. So yes, radicalized; no, not quite ISIS; however, like a fanatical "Christian" equivalent. (I mean no offense to any Christians, southerners, or Muslims -- I just can't understand these people who talk about God and shedding blood in the same breath).

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Perhaps I'm misunderstanding you, but just because he has a Middle Eastern Muslim sounding name doesn't mean you get to fling ISIS at him. Look at all the WHITE Americans who are saying the SAME EXACT THING. Unless you have anything solid to connect him with Muslim extremists, what you are saying here is racist and bigoted.

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I read in the article his (Father I believe) is Muslim. Most parents instill their core values and beliefs as they raise their children. I used his original name because it is one he seems to be hiding from using. White Americans have been radicalized like ISIS has been I read somewhere. I read 'holy' war and these things come to the top of my mind. I sling shit on shit.

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His father left when he was two. He was raised by his Christian mother. And why do you assume "holy war" (in its Western "definition" of a perpetual physical state of war to destroy non-Muslims and rule the world) is a core value and belief of a Muslim person? That is a misunderstanding of history and theology. You may "sling shit on shit" but consider why we are here: words matter. Misinformation can be taken as information, and those who don't stop to consider whether it is true can be grievously misled. As you note, white people in the U.S. have been "radicalized". People in any culture can be misled and manipulated this way for nefarious purposes.

I encourage you to read (link follows) an old (2000) review of a book that misinformed many people about Islam and "holy war". It's long, but it explains the nuances that were left out and puts things in historical context: https://www.carnegiecouncil.org/publications/journal/14/review_essays/216

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Thank you for your responses. If we both agree on tRump needs to go (held accountable), that is enough for me to be honest. My thoughts will not always agree with your thoughts, and I am okay with that; you should learn to accept this as well.

I follow Seth because I believe him to be a better man than I am (I have said this before and will repeat it). I do not think he or anyone else (yes, that included myself) are perfect, and I am okay with this as well. I know where I draw the line for myself.

P.S. When I read and things pop into my mind, I will continue to voice them as I see fit, slingin' shit on shit where I believe it is due. Feel free to skip over my comments if you do not like my words; I'll do the same.


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The inventor of the 'technology' to test these ballots is a person who Time Magazine said is the 5th worst invention of all time (I believe). He had a breach of confidentiality, and 140,000 people have their privacy intruded. Now, this whack-a-doodle is in charge of all these peoples' private information? What could go wrong? I fear there could be a 'hack' of the people in Maricopa County and who they voted for in the election. One might wonder what they could do with this information? My thoughts go to things like attacking certain people who 'betrayed' tRump and require 'punishment' per ali akbar.

Other things they could do to people are not renewing their mortgage, or give a car loan, or personal loan, business assistance (or boycott), hit up for money as they know who supports tRump, and start family feuds in an attempt to sway voters. It makes my stomach churn thinking of the damage they could do in this single county with voters' names for/against tRump.

I am still reading and will probably comment more, Seth.

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I've worked in a couple of Bds of Elections over the last 35 years. Unless there is something radically different about their system vs other states, there is literally no way to connect the ballots to individuals. Identifying stubs are separated from ballots and without those and some way to "reunite" them (which they don't have, see below), there's no way to even know whose ballot it is. The information you are concerned about is generally not available on the public side of the voter registration rolls and is kept in a separate computer database, usually via the county and Secretary of State's office. As far as I can see, these "auditors" don't have access to that side of the database. The AZ Sec. of State is a Democrat, and I'm pretty sure she's not going to let them get access to it without a hell of a fight. But even then, they'd have to find a way to connect ballots to ballet stubs to voters which would be somewhere near the outskirts of the universe of possible. I know a way it can be done, but it's not easy, they'd need access they don't have, and I'd drive all the way (27 hrs) to AZ and fling myself in front of them and fight like hell to stop them (very much in the style of the insurrectionists in the West Tunnel entrance). I'm sure there are people in AZ who feel the same way.

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I'm not sure what form the reaction to this insanity will be, but I hope the DOJ slams heavy charges on everyone involved in this outrageous assault on our country.

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What a shit storm.

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On target, as usual.

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Thank you for your painstaking research, which I appreciate even when the truth is horrifying. As you point out, the Arizona fraudit is another means to the end of disqualifying proper votes, electoral college, and the Stop the Steal violence on the part of Trump and his acolytes. If Ali Alexander sees this as a crusade and not just political shenanigans, that makes him as dangerous as any other radicalized, violent fanatic. Your article elucidates this aspect of the cult of Trump, only one alarming aspect of many. I agree with Amy H.: the voters' rights are being violated. Also, from an archival/records point of view, the provenance of the ballots is already lost as "the chain of custody has been broken by partisan actors." -- Gabriel Sterling, COO of Georgia Sec. of State (I'm writing an article about this and will footnote you).

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