Elon Musk May Have Just Revealed the Real Reason For His UK Sexual Violence Lies
Musk’s false claims that Pakistanis are behind UK sexual violence—when government and media reports confirm gang-based UK sexual violence is largely white—are rightly termed racist. But it gets worse.
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As discussed in more exhaustive detail and with full sourcing here, anyone who cares enough about the subjects of rape, child rape, human trafficking, sex trafficking, child sex trafficking, sexual violence, and child sexual abuse in the United Kingdom knows that major-media and government reports on these subjects conducted in that country establish that the “overwhelming” majority of “groups” responsible for committing such major felonies there are “white” as well as (a) British nationals, (b) Christians.
(If you want the summary version of the above information, simply see this report.)
As Elon Musk claims to be obsessed with these topics, and has little enough expertise in any of them that he must rely on experts and their reports for any data he possesses with respect to them, we must assume he knows this. Indeed, he’s even quote-tweeted social media posts that include this widely known fact, so assuming he reads what he quote-tweets we are again forced to the conclusion that Musk is well aware of the race of the United Kingdom’s very worst “group-” (or “gang-”) based sex-crime offenders.
In fairness, these same major-media and government reports have found that a small—even vanishingly rare—subsection of these sex-crime-committing gangs are non-white, though the exploits of such non-white gangs have been (for reasons we needn’t much wonder at, given the ideologies of those who ensure this is the case) spoken of in the United Kingdom with a frequency exponentially out of step with the frequency with which sex-crime-committing gangs in the United Kingdom have non-white members.
Where such non-white gangs—infrequently—exist, they’re most commonly British-Pakistani gangs, which means (if Musk digs deep enough into major-media and state reports to locate this information) such infrequently encountered gangs are made up of (a) British nationals, and are (b) non-white because they have Pakistani ancestry.
The one thing we know for certain (and that Musk knows for certain, if he actually has any interest in this topic) is that the topic has nothing to do with (a) Pakistani nationals or (b) migrants to the United Kingdom. While of course there are always anecdotal exceptions in any trend-related data—so the point here isn’t that no migrant from Pakistan has ever committed a sex crime in the United Kingdom—we can say that, to the extent anyone serious is discussing the problem(s) of rape, child rape, human trafficking, sex trafficking, child sex trafficking, sexual violence, and child sexual abuse in the United Kingdom, and to the extent they’re having such a conversation with an eye toward protecting children rather than advancing a political agenda, that person is to not once discussing “Pakistani [nationals]” and/or “migrants.”
All of which makes it beyond strange that, while obsessively tweeting about rape, child rape, human trafficking, sex trafficking, child sex trafficking, sexual violence, and child sexual abuse in the United Kingdom—posting on these subjects scores of times daily—Musk is exclusively discussing “Pakistani [nationals]” and “migrants.”
It’s like centering a conversation on carburetors on Bert and Ernie from Sesame Street.
By the same token, it is not difficult to find hard data on sexual violence in the United Kingdom, to the point at which anyone who wants to know how frequent gang-based sexual violence in the United Kingdom is can readily do so. The evidence suggests that, per annum, there are a maximum of (see more on this data below) 300 cases of non-white-gang-based sexual violence in the United Kingdom annually, with the likely number much less than this and almost none of those cases involving Pakistani nationals or migrants.
All of which makes it—again—beyond strange that, while obsessively tweeting about rape, child rape, human trafficking, sex trafficking, child sex trafficking, sexual violence, and child sexual abuse in the United Kingdom, to the point of posting on these subjects scores of times every day, Elon Musk is claiming that “millions” of children are being rapes by “gangs” of “Pakistanis” right now. Not over the course of a year or a decade or a half-century, but right now—and not British-Pakistani persons who are British nationals, but recently arrived migrants who are Pakistani nationals.
It can’t be that Musk is stupid—countless articles, all of his fans, and every member of his family attest that he’s one of the smartest humans to ever live, as well as the richest—so historians are obligated to look for other reasons Musk might be daily pushing a conversation about sexual violence in the United Kingdom that bears no relationship to anything happening there, but which Musk is intent on delivering to his hundreds of millions of Twitter readers.
The Elon Musk Section of this publication has endeavored for months and months to undertake such an investigation—one that would reveal Musk’s agenda and peculiar obsessions—indeed beginning its investigation well before, out of nowhere, Musk decided that he was interested in a sexual violence problem that has actually plagued the United Kingdom for many decades, though both Labour and Tory administrations.
So for instance, Proof has asked, does Musk exhibit a persistent bias against migrants?
The answer is yes.
Proof has asked, does Musk—who was himself an illegal migrant in the United States for years in the 1990s—exhibit a special animus toward non-white legal migrants?
Does Musk exhibit special animus against Muslims, keeping in mind that Pakistan is a 96%+ Muslim country?
Does Musk exhibit a special interest in using the issue of legal and illegal migration by non-whites and/or Muslims as a wedge issue to harm left-leaning political parties?
Does Musk have a history of lying to the public when it benefits him politically and/or professionally and/or personally to do so? Does he have a history of publishing false data that supports his preexisting worldview(s) and ideologies? Does he have a history of trying to influence elections in foreign countries to advantage the right-leaning political parties he believes will be more favorable to him politically, professionally, and personally? Is there evidence from his family members that he has always held a view of race relations consistent with his birth into the violent apartheid of South Africa in the 1970s? Is he related, in both the first and second generations, to virulent bigots whose animus toward non-whites is vocal—and would have been expressed to him repeatedly as a child? Does his social media history exhibit an animus toward all non-whites, non-Christians, and non-nationalists? Does he have a history of not doing any research on the subjects he claims to be an expert on? Does he lack the media literacy, sense of civic responsibility, or humility in the face of his own limitations to ensure that when he spreads information widely it has been vetted for accuracy first?
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes.
But a responsible historian digs deeper than this, so we shall.
The Real Story of Elon Musk’s Vile and Violence-Inciting Lies About Race and Religion in the United Kingdom
British prime minister Sir Keir Starmer has, as Proof previously reported, speculated that Elon Musk and people of his ilk “get a vicarious thrill from street violence” and therefore might promote rhetoric that would induce it even when and as it flatters none of their vile, idiosyncratic (e.g. white-supremacist) ideologies to do so at volume.
That would be consistent, surely, with Musk’s obsession with (i) ultra-violent video games like Diablo IV and Path of Exile 2; (ii) data relating to sex and violence in the United States and elsewhere, which data Musk spreads at volume despite it being sourced from anonymous white-supremacist feeds that neither identify the origin of their supposed data nor use the sort of multi-variable analyses that experts rely upon (choosing instead to use only, for reasons we can readily imagine given their other online content, single-variable, unsourced charts and tables where race and ethnicity are the only factors considered); (iii) inflammatory rhetoric that moves votes not on the basis of intellect but hatred and rage, for which purpose obscure anecdotes about ultra-violence are especially useful, even if they’re not reflective of any real-world phenomenological trends; (iv) violent sports civilians can participate in, like ultimate fighting (Musk challenged Mark Zuckerberg to such a brawl, after all, before backing out ignominiously); (v) violent autocrats a wealthy enough man can develop a secret relationship with backchannel, as Mr. Musk has done with mass murderer Vladimir Putin, according to this report from the Wall Street Journal; and (vi) befriending highly violent serial sexual predators like Donald Trump (more on this infra). We might also consider how, (vii), Musk has openly cheered on mass violence committed by far-right domestic extremists, for instance in the open glee he has exhibited at his friend, the adjudicated rapist Donald Trump, promising to pardon over 1,000 criminals (including violent criminals who attacked police) who rebelled against the United States in 2021.
But while racial and religious animus, a creepy obsession with ultraviolence, and a general belief that political violence that advantages far-right political parties also advantages him are compelling reasons for Mr. Musk to be ruthlessly lying about a topic he well knows has already led to race riots in the United States, there has to be more to this story.
Multiple full-length biographies’ worth of investigative reports here at Proof have established beyond doubt that Musk’s chief ambitions in this lifetime—putting aside, for a moment, inseminating as many variably interested women as possible with his sperm (almost exclusively ending up with boys, for some unsettling reason), which children (if he doesn’t falsely pretend they’re dead or lie about what happened during their deaths) will then be raised by nannies instead of their father—are these two: (1) acquiring wealth, (2) acquiring power. A third ambition, being liked by anyone with sufficiently low self-confidence to fawningly and even cultishly come to this opinion, is taken care of by the first two, above, so long as Mr. Musk lives in the United States, where wealth and power are equated with human value as long as one is a Republican.
For this reason, it has lately been one small part of the work of this Musk biographer to accumulate evidence that Musk picks certain of his professional and geopolitical battles on the basis of where he hopes to do business in the future. For instance, his secret and categorically lied-about communications with America’s most dangerous enemy, Putin, exhaustively detailed by the Wall Street Journal—surely in themselves sufficient to justify the cancellation of all U.S. government contracts with Musk companies—began just a matter of months after Musk revealed he aims to expand Tesla operations into Russia.
But Russia isn’t the only massive foreign market Musk wants to capture as he tries to not only control every major industry on which a market-based domination of Earth would depend but push his consumer base into the largest nations on Earth whose consumer population is currently untapped by him. In Russia, Musk’s plans to grow his power base by reaching Russian consumers and cutting deals with Russian pols are thwarted by the sanctions against the Kremlin and its oligarchs that Musk’s co-president, Donald Trump, has been trying to get rid of for a decade now; Musk even put forward a “peace deal” to end the Russia-Ukraine War (and thus those sanctions that are hamstringing his ambitions) that was identical to the Kremlin’s demand for Ukraine’s surrender of territory to the very war criminals and genocidalists who have invaded America’s European ally twice in the last decade.
But Musk also wants access to the markets of Brazil, China, and India, for reasons the simple chart below makes clear:
In view of this we can well understand Musk’s unusual interest in Venezuela, Brazil’s sworn enemy, and in interfering with Brazil’s democracy in the most unsettling ways imaginable. Musk needs a far-right government to return to Brazil in order to advance his plans there, as the current leftist government is hostile to oligarchic kleptocrats. The problem is that the last far-right government in Brazil was led by the Bolsonaro Family, close friends of Musk and his co-president Donald Trump, and the scion of that family, Jair Bolsonaro, was recently indicted for attempting a January 6-style coup (in fact, as Proof has reported here and here and here and here, Jair’s corrupt son Eduardo was in D.C. during the attack on the Capitol, and thus in a position to gain much intelligence on how a coup is plotted by men without any belief in democracy).
In China, Musk’s ties to the Chinese Communist Party that ranks second as a threat to the United States after Putin—sometimes first—are so significant already that they have been called a “national security threat” by an American general. Musk need do no more than ascend to the American co-presidency in ten days to ensure that these national security-implicating conflicts of interest start to be ignored en masse by the U.S. national security establishment. No journalist on Earth appears to believe there will be any attempt, during the second Trump administration, to police self-dealing.
So Brazil is lost—and China gained—for Musk, at least for now. But what of India?
Well, Musk has worked very hard to develop a relationship with autocrat Narendra Modi, India’s current prime minister and—a bonus for the Muslim-hating Musk—an infamous Islamophobe (as Modi is Hindu, and more particularly a Hindu Nationalist).
Indeed, Modi is best remembered for aiding and abetting an attempted genocide against Muslims in Gujarat in the 2000s, but also for some genocidal anti-Muslim feints since then. But more important than this for Musk’s purposes is that India and Modi’s sworn enemy is the nearly all-Muslim nation of Pakistan; anything Musk can do—especially if he can do it while pretending to be invested in social justice causes he’s known not to care about whatsoever—to simultaneously weaken Pakistan and encourage a religious war in the West in which Muslims are targeted for vigilante street execution is massively advantageous to his business interests because it would please the anti-Muslim genocidalist Modi to no end.
Musk and India
The Musk-Modi relationship is fascinating, even as it’s also palpably predictable.
Musk—who has known Modi for at least a decade—has called himself a “fan” of the Indian prime minister, who’s widely understood to be not only a dangerous autocrat with “totalitarian goals” (see here and here) but, as already noted above, a virulent anti-Muslim bigot.
The two men are said to have a friendship, even as Modi is held to be a “cult” leader in the same way Musk and his co-president Donald Trump are commonly said to be.
Every U.S. major media outlet seems to have run reports and op-eds on how Modi is single-handedly turning the world’s largest democracy into its biggest autocracy. As that is great news for Musk’s business ambitions—autocracies are, again as already noted, categorically more friendly to oligarchic kleptocrats and kleptocratic oligarchs—it’s no surprise that every reliably reported news story involving Musk and Modi seems to carry the same narrative: Musk is doing all he possibly can to aid Modi while dissembling about whether or not he is doing so.
Consider Twitter pulling an anti-Modi documentary at a time that Musk was publicly championing—or so he said—“free speech” on Twitter, and even more specifically a commitment to not removing “legal” content. Or consider the global expectations, breathlessly reported in India, that Musk will soon be moving many of his companies into the sprawling Indian consumer market (speculation understandably fueled by Musk somewhat surprisingly meeting with Modi during the latter’s 2023 state visit):
In June 2023, Musk met with Modi during the latter’s U.S. visit and stated that he planned to visit India in 2024 while expressing confidence that Tesla would enter the Indian market soon.
His proposed visit had raised expectations that he would announce plans for electric car maker Tesla to set up shop in the country, along with his satcom venture Starlink.
It was also expected that Musk would announce plans for Tesla to set up its manufacturing unit in India and investments could be to the tune of billions of dollars and the way forward for selling Tesla electric cars in India at the earliest.
Not just electric cars, he is also eyeing the Indian market for his satellite internet business Starlink, for which regulatory approvals are awaited.
Note the last sentence, above: “regulatory approvals [from Modi] are awaited.” And note these two further startling statements from the same report: “[Musk has] sought import duty reduction[s] in India for it to be able to sell Tesla cars in the country”; “[Modi has] announc[ed] a new electric vehicle policy, under which import duty concessions will be given to companies setting up manufacturing units in the country with a minimum investment of $500 million, a move aimed at attracting major global players like Tesla.”
So Modi needs things from Musk and Musk, in return, is asking for things from Modi.
How that narrative shakes out could be worth many hundreds of billions to both.
It’s in this context that Modi has openly wooed Musk—on Twitter, no less—and that Musk has said he plans for his companies to do “exciting work” in India very shortly.
But what of that? We might well expect Musk to want to do business in India. There is nothing inherently wrong or seedy in the concept, even if coddling an autocratic anti-Muslim hoodlum and genocidalist is categorically odious and amoral and—in a world in which businesses had business ethics as well as business plans—wouldn’t happen.
But it’s all a bit more complicated than that.
In April 2024, Musk was supposed to go to India to announce major investments there, but suddenly canceled his trip—claiming burdensome obligations at Tesla. In fact, April 2024 was the precise period of time in which Musk was strategizing his entry into geopolitics as an open Trump supporter, even as, in that very month Modi, was in the midst of a national election campaign in India he might well have lost (though it was unlikely). When Musk subsequently quickly congratulated Modi on his election win in July 2024—adding that he would shortly be making his long-promised trip to India—it became clear to many observers, given that Musk was contemporaneously saying that he’d be going to jail if Kamala Harris won the 2024 U.S. presidential election or having a massive role in the U.S. government if Donald Trump did, that Musk had pushed his India trip in part for the simple reason that if Trump won Musk could go to India for business negotiations as a co-president of the United States looking to cash in on his newly minted status. Why go to India as a supplicant, especially to a man about to win reelection, when you can go as a de facto President of the United States?
And in fact, Musk needed not only a Trump victory that would make him co-POTUS, but the 75-day-long Presidential Transition Period that would follow such a victory—if such a victory came—which period would show Modi and other world leaders how Musk’s new primacy in American politics could benefit them personally if (a) they did business with Musk, and (b) in doing so exhibited an uncommon friendliness to him.
So Musk biographers would have expected Musk to spend December 2024 and January 2025 engaging in behavior intended to demonstrate some “value added” to autocrats like Modi, who of course have their own geopolitical concerns and domestic enemies.
In the case of Modi, the perpetual thorn in his side is Pakistan, a nuclear power India has been in a sometimes-cold-sometimes-hot border war with for decades, and which is a 96%+ Muslim nation (again, in the context of Modi having a demonstrated hatred of Muslims that long-ago culminated in a near-genocide he was partially blamed for).
Per a BBC report, former Twitter head Jack Dorsey has said that India routinely threatened to shut down Twitter nationwide for failing to remove content Modi wanted gone. As India is the largest nation on Earth—effectively tied with China, as the difference between their populations is effectively a rounding error—were India to block Twitter it would devastate the company’s global prospects. So we know that keeping Modi happy behind the scenes (for instance, by Musk removing content from Twitter at an alarming clip even as he tells Americans he would never do so) is clearly mission-critical for Musk.
This mass censorship—which gives the lie to every mealy-mouthed word Mr. Musk has ever said about free speech—is of course not merely a one-sided peace offering. There’s a wooing process here; Modi returns the favor by publicly indicating how much he needs Musk to bring his business to India and do so “as soon as possible.”
{Note: Keep in mind that the more illiberal a democracy is, the less some corporations want to invest there, so Musk being a Modi pal and forgiving entirely India’s slide into autocracy is precisely the dam-busting foreign investment Modi needs to bless and sanctify his autocracy as something that won’t bankrupt his country—as kleptocractic, oligarchic tyrannies habitually do—but in fact enrich it. Elon has many companies prepared to enter the Indian market, and if he brings them all in it might convince hundreds of others currently concerned about Modi’s brutality to follow.}
It’s in this context that Musk’s censorship on behalf of Modi—at the very moment Musk has positioned himself as a globally significant anti-censorship crusader—has gotten out of control, as The Intercept exhaustively reports. In fact, the Musk-Modi “censorship partnership” now appears to quietly be Elon Musk’s most consistent anti-free-speech campaign worldwide. (Its only competition, perhaps not surprisingly, is to be found in Musk’s kissing up to the Chinese Communist Party, which of course offers him and his companies as big a market as India, albeit with even more human rights violations that Mr. Musk doesn’t care about—including mass sexual violence against women and girls by gangs.)
Musk Balances His Dual Loyalty to the Genocidalist Modi and the America-Hating Chinese Communist Party
After Musk canceled his trip to India in 2024, he surprised many by—despite having claimed to Modi that he was stuck in a mountain of work obligations at Tesla—going to China instead, a decision that understandably angered and offended many in India.
Surely these detractors eventually came to understood, however, that in Spring 2024 Musk was preparing to run for unelected office as Trump’s primary patron. Given that China was at the time illegally interfering in the 2024 U.S. presidential election—with the aim of “undermining confidence in elections, voting, and the U.S. in general” (a goal that implicitly dovetailed with Trump’s campaign rhetoric, not President Biden’s)—Musk had to placate the election-meddling Chinese Communist Party that spring in a way he didn’t (yet) have to accommodate Modi.
But both Musk and Modi knew that that accommodation would ultimately have to occur, and even that it would have to be public enough to potentially be politically problematic for both of them. Modi’s sensitivity to this fact came to the fore, for instance, in a 2024 ANI interview in which the autocrat said (emphasis supplied):
“Look, the first thing: saying that Elon Musk ‘is a supporter of Modi’ is one thing. Basically, he’s a supporter of India. And I just met him. It’s not like that.”
Translations can be tricky, but it seems clear that Modi was trying here to sell Musk as an ally of all India rather than an oligarch cutting clandestine side deals with an Indian autocrat. Modi must sell Musk to India in this way because, well, Musk clearly is an oligarch looking to cut sub rosa, mutually beneficial side deals with an Indian autocrat: Modi wants certain content off Twitter, Musk wants “regulatory approvals” and “duty concessions” from Modi, and neither of those things particularly benefit the average Indian consumer—let alone voter. At all. Just so, Prime Minister Modi wants his burgeoning tyranny to gain the legitimacy of Musk’s investment(s), and Musk wants his broken social media platform to squeeze out better-run domestic Indian alternatives. Neither of those outcomes benefit the average Indian, either.
But it’s still more complicated than this. Because it’s not just India’s traditional enemy Pakistan that’s a thorn in Modi’s side, but also certain foreign leaders who Musk could—as Modi well knew throughout 2024—play a role in helping get removed from their offices. Topping that list, according to this Economic Times report, was Justin Trudeau of Canada, whose resignation days ago Elon Musk publicly celebrated after working toward it throughout the Presidential Transition Period (alongside Donald Trump).
According to Economic Times, “the Modi government…has blamed Justin Trudeau’s ‘cavalier behaviour’ for the freefall in India-Canada relations,” and therefore attacks on Trudeau by Musk were “music to the Modi government’s ears.” With Trudeau gone, Musk was able to hang a big, if invisible “Mission Accomplished” sign over his relationship with Modi.
America Descends Farther Into a Farcical Den of Political Corruption
If it seems to you that we’ve seen this movie before—from Trump—yes, we sure have.
Both Trump and Musk present as, at least in their public rhetoric, far-right white Christofascist billionaires without scruples; both are nationalist Islamophobes who revel in the idea that conventions, contracts, treaties, statutes, and regulations can be bent or ignored by the U.S. government to benefit individual U.S. oligarchs personally in business and geopolitics; and neither man believes in avoiding conflicts of interest, avoiding cronyism, or avoiding self-dealing and unjust self-enrichment, so these is an excellent foundation to had, in all the foregoing, for these two men continuing together their long, well-demonstrated history of trying to advance the fortunes of any autocrat they believe can help them by specifically targeting other world leaders (as often as not, the leaders of Western democracies) who threaten the aims of that particular autocrat.
Thus, Justin Trudeau was a thorn in Narendra Modi’s side whose political fall could be framed, by Elon Musk, as something the latter helped orchestrate. He therefore might some credit from Modi for this in future business dealings. Thus, the first Trump impeachment trial, which saw Trump trying to shake down democratically elected U.S. ally and Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy in a bid to do Putin’s geopolitical bidding.
This M.O. is simply too synchronous as between Musk and Trump—along with all the other ways in which their professional, political, and (yes) personal predilections align—to be a coincidence historians can ignore. Musk targets the enemies of his would-be autocratic business partners, and it has nothing to do with social justice issues like the rape of children or Trudeau’s tax policies or the dangers of a nuclearized Pakistan.
All of the noise Trump and Musk surround their business and geopolitical maneuvers with is demonstrably a smokescreen to obscure a “profit motive” that’s as old as Time.
While Elon is not a particularly sophisticated thinker in non-engineering subjects, he’s canny enough to know—as does anyone who’s paid any attention to Indian politics in the last 25 years—that Modi’s rise embodies the rise of Hindu nationalism in India, which means that Musk’s anti-Muslim Twitter rhetoric is a further sort of “dark virtue-signaling” (perhaps we might call it “vice-signaling”) Modi would notice.
Suffice to say, Muslim activists in India are acutely aware of how the rise of Hindu nationalism endangers them (in fact, endangers is clearly a dramatic understatement). But more than this, Muslim activists and community leaders in India specifically see the expansion of Twitter into India under Musk as a threat to Muslim lives, as NBC News reports. Why? Because Musk’s side deals with Modi mean not only that Twitter can thrive in India but that, when and as it does, it does so as a pro-Modi instrument that therefore is also a pro-Hindu-nationalist, anti-Muslim weapon for Hindi extremists.
What does all this mean? Well, it means that Musk needs Modi to remain in power in India long-term—which, fortunately for Musk, is exactly what the autocrat Modi now intends—and needs for the Muslim minority in India to be weakened to the point at which it has no hope of brooking his ambitions for Twitter (and his other companies) in that country. It therefore behooves Musk to take any opportunity he can to both (a) weaken Pakistan, and (b) denigrate Muslims—particularly Pakistani Muslims (or even Muslims from India who might present to, say, average Britons as being Pakistani).
With this history and context in mind, let's turn to the present, and look at the most recent tweets from Elon Musk.
Elon Musk’s Latest Tweets—All From the Last 48 Hours
Because the tweets below are open racism and Islamophobia, they require a preface.
That preface takes the form of these inalterable facts established by past Proof reports:
Pakistani nationals are not involved in “grooming gangs,” so the current crisis in the United Kingdom has nothing to do with the country of Pakistan whatsoever.
There are no known “Pakistani Muslim rape gangs” in the United Kingdom.
As reports on the “grooming gangs” crisis in the United Kingdom reveal, it is “overwhelmingly” white “gangs” that are committing “group-based” sexual violence there, so there is little to no evidence that Islamic beliefs or practices are related to the current crisis.
Criminal justice experts never use single-variable data to track crime; rather, it is neo-Nazi and other white-supremacist groups that regularly post online (a) anonymously, and (b) without data-source citation, claims about crime that distinguish between perpetrators exclusively by race, ethnicity, and/or religion.
The “gang rape leader” Musk references in one of the tweets below was a British citizen at the time of his offenses, and had renounced his citizenship everywhere else; consequently, when he was stripped of his citizenship post-crime, he was not deported abroad because he was “stateless”—severely complicating any attempt to deport him as a matter of law and logistics.
With all that said, here’s some of what Elon Musk has said in just the last 48 hours:
Lest any reader miss it—and keeping in mind that these are just a small number of the tweets Musk has posted on this subject over the last 48 hours—the last tweet above is a man calling the leader of the United Kingdom “the most dangerous prime minister this country has ever had” and then immediately thereafter calling for a “Revolution [against the government].” Elon Musk amplified that call to over 200 million people.
What Laurence Fox writes above is an unambiguous call to violence—especially with the capitalization of the word “Revolution” to ensure it denotes not a process but an event—and that apparently gave Musk no pause in using his megaphone, the biggest one there is, to amplify it. (With this mind, Proof again directs readers to this recent Proof report.)
But let’s pull back from this for a moment and consider some of Musk’s other tweets.
You can see, above, how sexual violence in the United Kingdom, which is very much a “white” problem predominantly, suddenly becomes, in the envisioning of Musk and his followers and friends—wholly electively—in the first instance exclusively a matter of “grooming gangs” (which comprise a miniscule percentage of all sexual violence in the United Kingdom, in fact under 3%, as Proof has reported); and that in the second place, a tiny number of non-white gangs that are confirmed to be “British-Pakistani” and comprise 100% British citizens suddenly become, via the racist disinformation above, “Pakistani rape gangs,” “Pakistani-origin rape gangs,” and “mass rape by predominantly Pakistani Muslim men,” allowing Musk to militate against foreign aid to Pakistan at just the moment he needs Modi’s help to get his companies beneficial tax and regulatory treatment in India, which is Pakistan’s sworn enemy and vice versa.
See how that works?
As for whether Musk might actually care about the issue(s) he’s here tweeting almost frantically about, remember that his closest compatriot is currently Donald Trump—an adjudicated rapist, accused serial sexual predator, and accused human trafficker—and that (if you can believe ut) Musk has also now publicly allied himself with accused sex trafficker Andrew Tate to continue his vile attacks upon Pakistanis and Muslims:
{Note: Elon’s relationships with and advocacy for rapists, child rapists, serial sexual predators, human traffickers, sex traffickers, child sex traffickers, and “groomers” are in fact legion—from having as an adviser his father Errol, who has been accused of grooming his stepdaughter for sex, to publicly advocating for Matt Gaetz to become Attorney General of the United States after significant evidence of Gaetz’s involvement in child sex trafficking had come to light; from calling his “best friend” an adjudicated rapist and serial sexual predator who has been accused of human trafficking to being photographed possibly socializing with one of the most infamous child sex traffickers in human history; from the support for Andrew Tate we see above and here (as Musk’s long-running modus operandi is to only acknowledge or respond to Twitter suspensions by persons whose politics he supports) to having regular conversations of a friendly nature with the most active current child trafficker in the world, Vladimir Putin, who has kidnapped a whole generation of Ukrainian children as one of his many war crimes; from befriending Benjamin Netanyahu, who stands accused of overseeing the killing of over 10,000 children in Gaza, to dismantling—just to save a few bucks—the entire Twitter team working to prevent child sexual abuse on the platform; from reducing parental leave at Twitter by 90%—again to save money he didn’t need—despite knowing how much that harms infants at the most sensitive moment in their lives to him being seen as a categorical threat to human rights, including the rights of children, across China, the largest nation on Earth. And all this is just the tip of the iceberg; Musk has also issued what’s been called a “laughable” defense to and dismissal of child labor revelations in Tesla’s supply chain—an issue he’s now been sued over—and self-described himself as a“good friend” of notorious alleged child rapist Diddy. There is, therefore, to be clear, precisely no evidence of Elon Musk caring about rape, child rape, serial sexual predation, human trafficking, sex trafficking, child sex trafficking, or “groomers” when it doesn’t financially benefit him to pretend to care or feed his apparent white-supremacist bloodlust by inciting possible street violence over single-variable race-based crime data. To Musk, children and their suffering are pawns, nothing more. There is no public evidence this author has seen that points in any other direction: not Musk Foundation data, which suggests that Musk is interested in “gifted children”—a class he thinks himself to have once been in—but not “abused” children, nor in his own conduct as a father in siring twelve children who are primarily raised by a small fleet of nannies Musk selectively and cynically uses as spies and legal instruments in family court battles. And again, all this is just the proverbial iceberg tip.}
Note also how Musk seamlessly slides from racism and Islamophobia focused on the United Kingdom to racism and Islamophobia focused on the nation he’s set to lead:
Musk’s amplified content is so preposterous as to make it hard to understand how any adult could credit it, let alone one often claimed, absent any evidence in support, to be one of the smartest men on the planet. For instance, Musk below amplifies a video that can be seen in full here, one in which Charlie Downes, the head of the far-right Centre for Migration Control (which opposes immigration to the United Kingdom as well as mutli-culturalism generally) simultaneously says (i) “Britain is more than just democracy and tolerance,” (ii) “we must move beyond the language of values, they’re not ultimately what we’re fighting for,” and—try to follow the logic, here—(iii) the British people must be “led by the principles of [the value system of] Christianity.”
So values don’t really matter, unless they’re religious values; and religious values don’t really matter, unless they’re Christian values; and—as Downes goes on to say in the full video—even seeming Western-Christian values like “democracy” and “tolerance” actually don’t matter if they’re being practiced by migrants rather than “the people of these Isles” (emphasis added).
If you want a Gen Z-friendly summary of white Christofascism, that’s pretty much it.
And Elon Musk endorses it.
But Musk isn’t just mouthing these words. He is—as an incoming president—actually proposing policy moves to instantiate Christofascism in the United States. Consider:
While yes, the United Kingdom, United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are great friends—America has many great friends, and these are just a few of them—who but a white nationalist with urgent designs on building a transnational empire of the Hitlerian sort would propose an “Anglosphere union and military alliance” with five sovereign nations linked only (in this case) by the fact that they’re run largely by white Christians (the powerful voice of all the Maori in New Zealand acknowledged)?
And who, in particular, would do this as Musk—the man who amplified this bizarre call—is openly backing Trump’s call for Canada to merge with the United States and for Greenland to succumb to U.S. military might? Does no one see that, before he is even in office, Musk seems to be here trying to push, alongside Trump, some twisted Christofascist notion of a Fourth Reich in which immigrants, non-Christians, and non-whites are overtly excluded and even systematically disadvantaged (or worse)?
This is incredibly dark stuff. And that it’s all happening out in the open means that we can only imagine the components of this furious plotting that are not out in the open.
There can no longer be any question that Musk wants racial strife both at home and abroad, throughout Western democracies, which as it so happens has also been the Kremlin playbook for undermining such democracies for 75 years (including the era during which Elon Musk has been in clandestine negotiations with the Kremlin).
So now, per the above disinformation, we have exclusively a scandal in which persons wrongly identified as Pakistani nationals are raping “white girls”—exactly the racist, Islamophobic disinformation that has already caused race riots in England within the last year. As Musk is well aware, and as he appears to believe is absolutely necessary to the emergence of a new political party (Reform UK) that he knows from its leader, Nigel Farage, would embrace him in the United Kingdom in a way neither Labour nor the Tories ever have.
Of course no credible Musk biographer—this one included; sadly, Walter Isaacson excluded—is going to ascribe a belief in what the late author David Foster Wallace called “single-entendre principles” to Elon Musk. One does not become the richest man on Earth without multitasking.
Musk is aware that his co-president, Donald Trump—who’s self-admittedly devolved to Musk many of the functions of the presidency (this is why calling Musk co-POTUS is mere factual observation, not calumny) has said he will re-institute the “[Muslim] travel ban” of his first term.
Musk is aware that Islamophobia animates the MAGA base, including and maybe especially when there are two simultaneous terror attacks on U.S. soil—one in Las Vegas involving a Trump- and Elon-supporting U.S. veteran driving a Cybtertruck, one in New Orleans involving a U.S. veteran with ISIS sympathies—and that it is therefore useful to be able to emphasize a supposed radical Muslim threat inside the United States at a time when the FBI and CIA (both of which Trump and Musk now coincidentally seek to dismantle) have identified homegrown far-right extremism, including the QAnonism whose first precepts Musk himself has repeatedly echoed, as America’s gravest active terror threat.
Just so, Musk’s friend Vladimir Putin has been cracking down on Muslims of late—and particularly Muslim migrants. His actions appear to many to so perfectly dovetail with what Trump (and Musk) are up to that they’ve been termed “Trump-style” moves.
In short, an expansive, border-spanning Islamophobia is good business for Musk right now, every bit as much as pro-Kremlin “peace” proposals and anti-Pakistan religious and ethnic slurs. Beyond these views apparently comporting with Mr. Musk’s lifelong worldview—according to recent interviews with his bigoted father Errol Musk, now a top Musk adviser—they advance his geopolitical and business interests. And yet, the one thing we can be sure of from Musk’s new partnership and “best-friendship” with adjudicated rapist, serial sexual predator and accused human trafficker Donald Trump is that Musk doesn’t care about any of those indubitably urgent subjects. Not at all.
Nor is it just Democrats or historians or Musk biographers who are identifying Musk as having hidden agendas his public actions are intended to obscure from the public.
Steve Bannon is considered the ideological father of the MAGA “movement,” and was previously one of Trump's top advisors. Charlie Kirk is beyond question the single most vital youth recruiter in MAGAdom; he’s been described as being something akin to an adopted son to Trump. Laura Loomer has been such a close advisor to Trump at various points in the last year that many for a time believed her to be romantically linked to the once and future president. These three individuals have a complicated relationship with one another that is belied by their apparent unanimity in suspecting Elon Musk of having profit rather than ideological motives in much of what he does.
And needless to say, these concerns are no longer merely domestic. In the United Kingdom, Musk’s unfavorable/favorable rating is profoundly underwater: 64% to 17%.
Moreover, it’s been reported that the European Union is now mulling bringing action against Elon Musk for election interference, meaning that a man who functions as the American co-president could wind up in a legal battle against the largest single bloc of American Allies on Earth—a legal battle that could push him and Trump further toward abandoning Europe for the comfort of even closer relationships with nations both Musk and Trump have significant business entanglements with: Russia, China, India, Türkiye, Saudi Arabia, Israel and the United Arab Emirates. What these seven nations have in common is that they are all autocracies that have been, and in recent memory, accused of war crimes.
So the question of what is actually animating Elon Musk in his incitement of violence and civil disorder in Western democracies across Europe and North America could well be said to be one and the same as the question of whether America will join a New Axis of Evil in the next five years or continue as merely a struggling democracy.
Sherlock Holmes, eat your heart out! You are so blooming good at your job, Seth. Thank you.
I've been wondering if Musk's turnabout decision to "replace" Farage has anything to do with the latter's and Steve Bannon's history. I'm convinced that's why Farage visits the US; he's learning the tricks of the fascist trade from MAGA & Co. Truss too, who's desperately vying for attention right now by issuing a cease and desist to Starmer, former Director of Public Prosecutions, for something he said in June. Thick Lizzy threatening a man of the legal profession... you couldn't make her up, could you?
Not one single Reform MP turned up yesterday (09 Jan) to the House of Commons to debate Violence against Women and Girls. They really don't care about us; it's pure racism.
The government has also confirmed that the counter-extremism unit is looking into Musk's tweets, as well as other large accounts posting similar rhetoric. "... extremism experts warn that the toxicity of social media could once again trigger violence on our streets."
And you made it into our "Daily Mirror" newspaper top reads, Seth! They quoted what you've been posting about Musk, so let's hope more people's ears will prick up and start to take notice. I'm so grateful to you looking into this side of Musk when the U.S. has so much about to worry about. Stay safe.
I’m confused. The reports I’ve read - mostly in The Guardian but also elsewhere - do in fact indicate that the so-called grooming gangs in Oldham Northern UK have been men from Asian backgrounds (Pakistani and some Afghani.) And the young women and girls who have been victimized are working class. Happy to look at other sources of info about these crimes…,.