I’m so grateful to have access to this research and reporting on Substack. This Proof read was quite substantial and incredibly informative. I get why the MSM can’t/wont get their collective heads around it in order to report on it to the “MSM-spoonfed-masses” while keeping advertisers writing checks. It’s a lot.

The more I read, the more I thought this should be a breaking news, taking over all regularly scheduled programming-type event.

This is the most I’ve ever posted on any site. I’ve been provoked. Excellent reporting.

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One constraint that Seth lacks that most of msm has is space/time. To devote this many words & hours to a story is more like a major magazine article or documentary special sized commitment for a newsroom. The fact that Seth was able to produce several massive in-depth reports on this story over a weekend is phenomenal, but it must be remembered that doing so is his choice, and being able to make that choice without the pressures of being a cog in a corporate machine makes a huge difference.

I’m reminded that a few weeks ago I was talking to someone at a bank & asked, considering especially that the conversation was recorded, if he could send me an email with a record of the pertinent points we’d covered to corroborate my own notes. He agreed, but said he’d have to send his message through their communications department, which would send the actual email. Seth just answers to his own dedication to the truth (and I suspect a hatred of being wrong) to guide his efforts.

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Seth, have you shared this with the FBI or whoever is the right folks in the government? Maybe even send it to POTUS?

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I stopped watching the Academy Awards so I could read this investigative piece more thoroughly. Great work, as always. My concern here is that Carroll and Kaplan won't act, but we will know so enough. I am certain, however, that, in the long run, he will keep defaming and insulting Carroll (too bad Biden can't sue Trump for his stupid stuttering stand-up routine).

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So will President Biden still give Trump Intelligence Briefings, when he's declared the official Republican Nominee? I sure hope not, because that would be a mistake of epic proportions.

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I suspect those will be very carefully drafted briefings/

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Biden should have Trump arrested as an espionage risk!

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I am in absolute awe of you Seth. Your work is probably the most important of this decade. You should receive all the awards and accolades to go where others can’t/won’t.

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Hear hear, Caroline. "Absolute awe" describes my sentiments perfectly too.

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What could Kaplan argue to prevent the court's acceptance of the bond?

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Here are some possible answers, that the bond terms are excessively opaque, far too much so for a losing defendant who by his own fequent admission seeks to be POTUS. Also if Kaplan sues again for defamation, then the terms of the bond are critical. Do they include the requirement that tRump not re-offend the plaintiff?

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Though I get it that Robby Kaplan's primary responsibility is to get her client the $.

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The constant flow of ultra right media lies and disinformation into ignorant American ears is the Satan side of the internet. The encouragement of fundamentalist 'Christian' religion will kill us all. They are not Jesus followers.

The Seven Mountains theory was not simultaneous prophecy by 3 people (one I knew back in the mid 60s in college), the Rapture was developed by a guy in the 1800s...and so it goes.

Pentecostals believe they can't Rapture until all the Jews are dead. I find it impossible to believe that you would be allowed to Rapture with a heart full of hate and bigotry and the beliefs of Hitler and Putin. This is not the message of Jesus but that of grifters, cons, dictators and butchers.

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I am appalled by the fact (seemingly or not) that republicans and especially trump are able to get away with anything. Our media never says a thing. Our justice system hesitates!

We find out about most of it through independent journalists such as you!

I am very grateful to you and those like you which is why I pay for a subscription but if it doesn’t make it to MSM the only people who know what’s really happening are those of us who subscribe to independent journalists!

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This is very interesting, but extremely complicated. research. I hope you will be safe. This isn't Russia, but you may be making these people mad.

I think the main reason that Putin helped Trump was that he had good reason to know that Trump would try to keep America and NATO from stopping Putin from continuing to attack Ukraine.

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Sadly read headlines in NTY and WaPo yesterday and this morning, no mention of the bond and connections. Also, did a google search this morning and found no major news source covering. Find it difficult to believe that a "follow the money," story would be of no interest to readers and viewers. Thank you Seth for keeping us informed.

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It seems that Trump was doing business with AIG and Maurice Greenberg decades ago. https://nypost.com/2005/05/06/trump-says-hank-is-going-down/

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What Evan Greenberg just ‘explained’: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24479707-trump-bond-3132024

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Why did E. Jean Carroll 's attorneys ask the judge to approve this today?

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Why ask Why? Former FBI Director William Sessions became the lawyer for Russian mobster Semion Mogilevich. Louis Freeh, represented Prevezon. MCGONIGAL and SHESTAKOV conspired to provide services to Deripaska, in violation of U.S. sanctions.

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Your article was brilliant. I created this 'relationship map' to make it easier for others to follow the money and links between Russian operatives and MAGA Republicans. You did a great job in uncovering the hidden relationship between Chubb, Greenebergs and Trump. Well done!


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Seth, I checked out "supersedeas", as I don't know U.S. law whatsoever. (Or even U.K. law, for that matter!) The Wikipedia page doesn't give anything specific to the New York State but its very last sentence reads: "The plaintiff, or party to whom the money judgment is awarded, is fully protected by the bond and ensured payment, that is if the appealing party can afford the bond."

If Ms Carrol accepts this bond, and Trump then gets a second supersedeas bond for the $585 million fraud appeal, does this mean Trump can get away without paying either if he goes on to declare bankruptcy... if he cannot therefore "afford the bond(s)"?

I know the bigger worry is where the money is coming from - I'm losing sleep on that one, don't worry! - but I desperately don't want Ms Carroll or New York to lose out, especially if the two families involved in the supersedeas have beef with the latter. I don't know what the rules are under NY State but the way he defamed Ms Carroll again, right after claiming "posting" the money, sets my womany senses tingling. Could this be a catch?

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