RICO was made for this here

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I know I missed your question period but here goes anyway -

If Roger Stone is indeed an unnamed co-conspirator what would be the DOJ’s reasoning/justification for withholding his name ahead of the impeachment trial? And, in your opinion, what are the pros and cons of doing so?

Thanks for all your hard work - very much appreciated!

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Generally speaking, you see an unindicted co-conspirator because the feds are not ready to indict them (based on the state of the case against them) or because indicting them would hamper further investigation of the case. Both could well be true with Roger Stone.

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Does this negatively affect the impeachment trial against Trump?

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Very interesting piece, well done. This whole thing has the stink of Roger Stone on it. Lurk in the shadows being careful to stay on the fringe while provoking, facilitating and financing the militants you've ensnared in your web of dirty tricks. Then when it's time to execute the master plan, tuck tale and run for cover so you can deny, deny, deny. And of course he was speaking with Trump before Jan 6th!@! Why else would he (Trump) and his inner circle go the opposite direction after he gave his speech? It all makes sense. Why Trump watched on TV the Capitol being overrun by a violent mob (reportedly with glee) for hours without doing ANYTHING.

I'm sure the Feds are intensely interrogating the extremists already in custody gathering intel with search warrants, and getting one of those guys to flip and give up the goods on Stone. Don't you know the FBI & DOJ want a piece of Stone's ass. He's going to end up as someone's bitch in federal prison. Knowing Stone, he'd probably like it.....

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Yea but they would have to look at that stupid tattoo of Nixon

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Were you aware that the Becks own a company called Combat Armor Defense, Inc. which is registered in Idaho and has facilities in Brazil? More info: https://www.combatarmordefense.com/directors


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remember Trump's deleted tweet that " This is what happens when a landslide victory is [taken away]. peace to the Patriots!!!" Amanda Carpenter was writing about it today. Miller and Trump seemed aligned in a delayed response.

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Hopefully the Feds are looking at Miller in regards to his 4 January letter. On its face his directives were obstructive with a clear intent to delay any coordinated response by the ANG.

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I want to know more about Chris Miller's role

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No doubt in my military mind miller was just another level of obstruction to hinder any coordinated or timely response from the ANG. Obstruction is trump's middle name.

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FBI knew in advance about the plot to storm the Capitol on Jan. 06, and they quietly allowed it to happen anyways. FBI seems complicit in the "inside job".

Parler referred violent content from its platform to the FBI more than 50 times in the weeks before the Jan. 06 riot at the U.S. Capitol. This includes a Dec. 24 post recruiting an "armed force of 150,000 people to react to the congressional events of Jan. 06". This also includes a Jan. 02 post from a user saying he would be wearing body armor to the pro-Trump rally on Jan. 06. "It's no longer a protest. This is a final stand where we are drawing the red line at Capitol Hill. I trust the American people will take back the USA with force and many are ready to die to take back USA." In another post, a user made clear that armed people would be at the Capitol that day. "They may be concealed at first, but if Congress does the wrong thing, expect real chaos, because Trump needs us to cause chaos to enact the Insurrection Act."


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