I find it unbelievable that Congressional Republicans are so afraid of Donald Trump and his rabid supporters that they will allow themselves to be defined by conspiracy mongers who preach hate and death and destruction. Is this the result of negotiating with American terrorists? I say it’s unbelievable, but it looks like I’m wrong. Truly, Donald Trump could shoot somebody on 5th Avenue, and they would not turn against him.

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I find it hard to believe how little the Republicans care about us, our fellow Americans or anyone but themselves.

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Not on the verge. They are.

Lin Wood and Ron Watkins have been working together for over a year.

Jim Jordan and “team” had a meeting with Ron Watkins in Nov 19th 2020.

Mike Flynn has ties within our military.

Ron Watkins is the son of Jim Watkins.

The rigged and fraudulent election theory came straight from the QAnon source itself.

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On the verge?

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The GQP has lost control. The disintegration can be traced to Newt Gingrich and the rise of Rush Limbaugh and Fox News. The Tea Party was relatively early radicals and followed by the Freedom Caucus, Federalist Society, and its natural ugly outgrowth, Trump. Four years plus of coddling, excusing, and tolerating a psychopath inevitably led to the Republican party’s demise and rebirth as the party of trump, sycophants, cowards, cruelty, Qanon, and conspiracy theories.

The GQP is on fire right now. I want us to stamp the party out and kick its ashes off the cliff. I was a lifelong Republican until McCain picked Crazypants Palin for his running mate. I watched the VP debates in October 2008 and immediately donated $250 dollars to Obama. I called my BFF, a lifelong Democrat, and told her 🥳 I continued to vote for occasional Repub state & US reps until 2018 when I voted straight blue for the first time in my life.

Trump ruined everything. Everything he touches dies.

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Honestly, I feel the GQP (I like that title for them) is spinning out of control and if the *leaders* don't do something, they are going to split in two. I do feel there are a few conservatives left, but I feel they are outnumbered by the Q group. Do they honestly believe that Q is going to get them re-elected? I mean that in itself makes my head spin if it's true. Why anyone would want Q as their base is just insane. How in the world did half or more of Congress get twisted up in this insanity? They should do background checks on those who want to run for office, plus have them take a test about govt/constitution. If they don't pass they don't run.

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