I agree wholeheartedly with Abramson here. I am astounded at this action on the Speaker's part. And even more shocked that no one in government seems to be rising up not only to protest this handing over of sensitive materials but also finding an immediate injunction to stop it. What am I missing? Fox non-News will likely edit, alter, and in many technical ways we can only dream of, present this to their audience (who have not been paying attention to what happened on January 6th) in the most propagandist fashion imaginable--thus fomenting more dissent and rebellion. McCarthy is making sure to do everything he can to cripple Biden's administration in the scant two years he and his MAGA cohort have to do so before being voted out, as we hope can only hope they will be. In the meantime, though, the stakes for democracy could not be higher. They want Civil War? are they that insane?

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Hakeen Jeffries today has openly criticized McCarthy's actions. Your analysis of it is spot-on -- it is an flagrant and egregious violation of public trust and national security. Crazy Tucker Carlson handing over the video-keys to our nation's capitol to whomever, letting those files be copied how many times? -- my outrage is currently off the charts.

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Apart from the question of whether Carlson will serve as a Back channel to pass this video/information to Putin, the Saudis or others, the timing is interesting. Carlson ET al at Fox have been outed as saying trump lost the election and his Big Lie was total BS while simultaneously peddling Big Lie propaganda full bore on Fox to hold onto viewers. Fox has also talked of not supporting Trump in the coming election. But Kevin McCarthy needs Trump’s support and so he. Ones along and throws this huge, red-meat covered bone to Carlson/Fox news - giving them a monopoly on footage that viewers will have to tune into Fox to see. So what we are seeing is McCarthy giving a huge vat of chum to Fox to draw the MAGA sharks and - call it what it is - a bribe to support Trump. The Capitol attack was all about supporting Trump. Peddle that footage to the public and you peddle support for Trump, who already faces challenges from DeSantis and Niki Haley. Trump needs Fox’s help. McCarthy is still Trump’s lackey and co-conspirator.

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We are broken. No accountability. Part of the problem is Democrats still try reason and barter with these loathsome GOP traitors

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This gift might fall into the purview of this statute:

5 CFR § 2635.702 - Use of public office for private gain.


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Can Kevin McCarthy be arrested and expelled from the House of Representatives? He should be. Is that how he became Speaker after so many failed attempts? Was this his bargaining chip to give sensitive information to Tucker Carlson regarding the layouts of the US Capitol? Tucker could, if he hasn't already give that info. to any foreign adversary who could finish the job of Jan. 6. Can Tucker Carlson be arrested in having those sensitive materials in his possession. How was Kevin even able to get access to those sensitive materials? There too many traitors in the US House of Representatives that could cause alot of damage to the US. I hope President Biden or someone in power can handle this.

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Thank you for addressing this. I am outraged that this has happened. There must be consequences for this.

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Change the locks!! Also the camera angles, safe rooms, routes to same, etc. Absolutely NOTHING good will come out of Fox getting its corrupt paws on this information.

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I woke up at 3:30am today thinking, "How can this NOT be horribly illegal not to mention a giant national security issue?" Thanks, as always for answering my question. #TimelySeth

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This kept me awake last night... Seriously Open to Suggestions for what We The People can actually factually DO about it... 😉💫💜

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Four factors emboldened Russia's further invasion of Ukraine a year ago:

1) The Trump decision to vest control of the global oil price in the hands of a foreign entity OPEC+1 (Russia and Saudi Arabia), without regards to Americans and our Allies.


2) Trump's silence and acceptance of new Russian military bases in the Middle East facing NATO's southerner flank and their military controlled usurpation of the vast southernly Libyan Oil Reserves, without regard for Americans and our Allies:


3) The appearance of the U.S. as a defeated country, as a result of Trump's surrender agreement in Afghanistan, which freed 5,000 Taliban and ISIS prisoners prior to withdrawal, omitted any human rights issues, and excluded the Afghan government from negotiations and any protections:


4) The Trump led insurrection, which visually shows the the U.S. couldn't even stop an insurrection at its own Capital for several hours and threatened the peaceful transfer of power in our democracy.

Now the Republican Party wants to broadcast this unfortunate tragedy globally and selectively while our Nation is engaged in a struggle of strengthening our alliances, improving our democratic future, facing our economic challenges, and battling against from Republican long-held goal of substituting a Plutocracy in the place of our democratic republic. In the words of their leading wrecking ball, "...suspending the Constitution." McCarthy's decision can only be understood as a desire to continue the divisiveness and lies that led to the Insurrection. House Republican actions underscore their void of constructive policies to confront our challenges. They have left their legislative responsibility to the R majority on the SCOTUS to impose their radical and reactionary legislative agenda that they would never be able to pass through Congress.

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To answer your question, Seth, I think we should react with prolonged vocal outrage.

I see two separate issues: safeguarding national security and the granting of exclusive access to taxpayer-funded resources to a single news outlet.

And, Tucker Carlson is neither an unbiased journalist nor an historian.

Question: Could a judge revoke Carlson's access if an injunction were filed on the basis of MCarthy disregarding national-security agencies' recommendations? If so, that's what we should be supporting.

I also wonder whether Carlson had to undergo any kind of security clearance to obtain access to such sensitive information. I recall that Capitol police after the insurrection wouldn't even confirm whether there were cameras on the Capitol's lower levels.

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If there are truly some Republicans in the House that are against the seditious faction controlling the House now is the time for them to work with Democrats to put an end to McCarthy and his merry band of idiots. They must act to protect our Democracy from further harm by seditious conspirators serving in our House, the people’s House. How about it: which side are you on? Now is the time to choose between Democracy or Autocracy.

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We should react by arresting the criminal traitor McCarthy TONIGHT!

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Duties of the speaker- don't see anything about unilaterally making sweetheart deals involving gov property with journalists or unilaterally deciding on security isses. Since he had no authority to do what he did, perhaps the "best" solution at this point is for sometone else with access to send it to all the networks and major media. https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/GPO-HPRACTICE-108/html/GPO-HPRACTICE-108-35.htm

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What are the odds McCarthy will be charged with any wrongdoing for his role in the Jan 6 insurrection or his betrayal of our national security? I’m guessing close to zero. It appears there are no consequences for men in power. Whether Jack Smith, Merrick Garland, SDNY, or Georgia, the process is taking a ridiculously long time and the consequences for criminals appear scant at best.

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