Personally, it seems that if this were true, Trump would have held a rally at Roswell and blurted it out unprovoked by now.

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It’s about time we had some actual disclosure about the government’s true level of knowledge about alien craft instead of these ridiculous Tic Tac cockpit videos etc. that show nothing definitive and let the Navy/government persist in its denials of knowledge about UFOs/UAP. The science and tech we’ve “enjoyed” over the past 60 years is horse-and- buggy science compared to what is actually known from reverse engineering alien technology. Global warming by fossil fuels continued due to govt and industry suppression of alien tech. This concerns the biggest story since the A-bomb.

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The guy still doesn't provide any proof. He might as well say that the US government is keeping a half dozen angels under lock and key. Extraordinary claims and all that.

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My father was a 30 yr Air Force vet (1950-1980), the most no nonsense man I’ve ever known. He told me once he believed the government DID have alien crafts and were hiding them from us. PS he was a lifelong Republican but would have hated trump, and surely changed parties.

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Whistleblower's story seems cribbed from the decades-old Majestic/Area 51 mythos. It has the same gaps, the same credibility of giant conspiracy problem, etc. I'm a bit of an expert on the subject, and this is not even original. The outlets that ran this story appear unable to vet such things. A former Inspector General or this or that confirms the story. Yeah, and either the person won't be found, or it's another case like the whistleblower where he didn't have real access to anything and is relying on hearsay. The "crashed ship retrieval" stuff is straight out of the old story. We do not, today, expect biological aliens to show up in metal ships. Tiny probes, sure, could happen.

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UFO'S and aliens consumed me as a young girl. I read all the material a available in the late 50's and early 60's. But, if I seriously consider that we have much "alien" physical evidence, well, you're really going to gave to show me!

How could these supposedly, highly advanced sky pilots travel allllll the way to our insignificant little blip in the universe , allllll that wY, defying time and space, and then crash here???? Be captured here? Seriously, folks. I gave up childish fantasies decades ago.

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This is some guy with an over-inflated sense of his own importance and ability to understand data, who likes a good conspiracy theory who has just destroyed his credibility on national television.

It's not the first time that has happened to someone, and won't be the last.

He has no evidence, and we know a conspiracy such as this is impossible to keep secret this long, so this is nothing. Stick to reality, as much as we want to imagine some aliens coming to take us away from all this (or to take Trump away from us to stick in a preservation tank as an exhibit).

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Seth-firstly, mad props and respect to you for your journalistic integrity and your Proof trilogy. It sounds from what you’ve written that you have not heretofore had an abiding interest in this subject. I am still agnostic, but have been reading about this topic since 1966. (Not a typo).

Nothing this whistleblower is saying is inconsistent with US Army Colonel Philip J. Corso's 1997 book 'The Day After Roswell'. He waited until the end of his life to go public, and makes a compelling case. For decades, there has been much public testimony from scores of military and commercial pilots and many NASA Astronauts (Gordon Cooper, James McDivitt, Edgar Mitchell, Scott Kelley to name a few). This goes all the way back to Marine Air Corps Major Donald Kehoe in the '50s.

The problem I always have with all of this is that the most credible witnesses are from the very same government organizations that are simultaneously allegedly covering it up. The military was/is only too happy to have civilians believe top secret experimental craft are from somewhere else. This is not to say it isn't possible, but we have been hearing this, in the truest sense of the word, *literally* for over half a century. The longer these supposed revelations are teased, the more I tend to agree with what Michael Gowski wrote here earlier about “far right new age/ disclosure/ ufo people in military intelligence (with) long histor(ies) of … making alien “disclosures” to breed mistrust in liberal democracy.”

I know that you are also aware that we are in the throes of a GIGANTIC mis/disinformation war, one that you have been raising the alarm about for years. To be honest with you, I never heard of 'News Nation' before tonight, so I am automatically skeptical.

Having said all that, do read Colonel Corso’s book - it’s hard to dismiss outright. And thank you again for all of your hard work.

PS: 65 years ago was an eerily similar assertion by Major Kehoe. Watch the Mike Wallace interview:


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It's been my opinion for some time that if there are indeed being visited, it's entirely possible that they've been here for 100s of thousands or even millions of years. On a galactic time scale, that's still just a blink of an eye. I speculate that the pilots of these craft or whatever they are would probably be artificial intelligence or synthetic life.

My boomer parents and I were talking a couple weeks ago about the AI revolution we're living through right now, and how it is humanity's next 'great filter' event. I speculated at the time that perhaps humanity's creation of superintelligent AI would be the event that would trigger an alien entity to make first contact. I'm similarly wondering now if the government has been waiting for the moment when our own technology has reached a point where the idea of an alien AI is not such an mind breaking proposition to the populous.

I can't believe I even just typed those words in earnest. It would seem we really are on the cusp of a Star Trek future (fingers crossed)

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Bad news that this bunk comes along now to distract us from serious matters at hand. Seth, you're above this.

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Seth you’re the best but one can get bs stories from anybody and repeat them

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Geez, there’s over a billion galaxies out there. Do you really think we’re the only ones???

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I'll believe this when I see a live Pentagon press conference with a show-and-tell of actual artifacts, not before.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

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Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. It's worth noting that most, if not all, of the media sources running with the story aren't known for journalistic standards. If anything this guy claims is remotely true, it is not only a massive shift in human history, it would upend a sizeable chunk of the laws of physics.

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This is a fascinating story. Thanks for publishing, Seth!

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Thank you for covering this story. Cognitive dissonance with this topic is a major issue. Most commenting her likely didn’t read any of the reporting and instead saw a headline that doesn’t fit their bias and reject it. Regardless of the outcome this is a major story.

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