There are other deliberate omissions concerning the direction of events leading up to the coup. Where was the FBI prior to and during this? Why did they not warn about the looming threat of right-wing extremists? Instead, they worked with Proud Boys to gather information about the threat of Antifa. Also, everyone on Twitter knew something was up for 1/6, and the FBI was warned about it as well, but they took no real action. The FBI appears to be complicit at the highest levels. What is needed is a massive after-action report on the entire actions of the government at the agency level, including agency shortcomings. I was a writer on the Gulf War Air Power Survey, which was a postmortem of the use of and effect of air power during the Gulf War. It was a study directed and paid for by DOD. Perhaps the President could direct a similar effort, staffed by reasonable, nonpartisan, experienced individuals not currently employed by the government. PS hope your work reaches the office of Jack Smith.

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Huge thanks for the work! Just got home from knee replacement surgery and not sure what hurts more, the knee or the knowledge that our democracy was being pulled apart by these miscreants. I'll read it with a combo of terror and interest.

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Call me old fashioned - I'd pay for a hardcover edition (to go with the other “Proof"s.

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I am worried many mass shootings seem to coincide with very bad news for trump,...

I know the distraction detail is in full swing and also understand the Hamas slaughter kidnap gang rapes and torture of Israeli Jews and their racism fueled psyop are all part of the planned destruction of the West.

Read a piece by a former Muslim living in Europe today. They said there was nothing about their former religion that isn’t authoritarian and all consuming in the individual’s life and that of the entire culture. They also made clear that according to their good book, to kill anyone not Muslim is NOT viewed negatively or as a sin or crime, but as good to rid the world of infidels. They reported that this is a form

Of surreptitiousness the West will either wake up to and act on or condemn themselves.

That much of MSM is also either dupes for $$$, and/or purposely carrying the flag of fascism has truly harmed our democracy.

One can look back and see the steps now taken; dissolving the truth in journalism; breaking labors back; lifting anti-monopolies laws in communications; MSM failure to seriously deride the SC for Gore vs. Bush; failing to update information tech anti monopoly laws; failure to educate citizens regarding voter suppressions/discriminations; Citizens United; Crashed 2008 Economy, who’s fault & why no one went to prison; Holder vs. Shelby; MSM failure to truthfully report who djt is; the ongoing PREVENTABLE slaughter of our own children; severe failure framing of Hamas terrorist acts leading to worldwide antisemitism, most by people who have zero idea what they’re even marching for,...

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I need a reinforced bookshelf for your tomes, Seth! They're a terrific but tough read, knowing the subject matter, but everyone should read them all. We must know what Trump is and what he's done - the devil's in the detail, right? The set is a vital historical record of why democracy is in such danger today. I encourage everyone to at least read "Proof of Coup" free of charge here on Substack. If you can, support Seth's incredible work by buying the collection. But you'll need to tell your partner those immortal words: "We're going to need a bigger shelf..." ;-)

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Congratulations! So much work you have done. Now for bestseller!

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If this available in PDF format?

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Will this be published in book form for purchase?

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I've never read anything on what caused TFG to fold, to (temporarily) call off the insurrection, & start the ~4PM video. I'm tempted to suspect the arrival of the FBI swat team(s?) but i cant find any detailed information on their deployment either.

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