I appreciate it when journalists correct their work, and hope that the WaPo and NY Times do the same. Trump is a one-man tsunami of a crime wave, and his actions involve many others, in an unknowable but ongoing ripple effect. Careful prosecution must focus on achieving the most impact with the greatest potential for success.

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I'm inclined to think the Trump NFTs are a simple pump and dump scheme. People who know how to access and read the blockchain saw that a significant number of NFTs were held back, presumably by someone within the Trump organization. The likely intent, per blockchain specialists, is to wait for a bubble and sell for lots of money, allowing the value to crash. Too bad suckers. The money can be used for Trump's legal defense or his candidacy. That he claims none of the money is for his campaign makes me think it's absolutely for his campaign.

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I’m looking forward to the day Drumpf starts creating companies using the acronym PIC, Prisoner In Chief.

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I continue to feel that our media & (more importantly) our government is in way over its head in combating Trump's style of illegal conduct, lies, & schemes. This seems like a huge important thing for them to look into, but I doubt anyone who has any power to, will. There's just too many crimes going on, by too many bad actors (many who are still IN the government) for this current FBI under the leadership of Wray to handle appropriately.

The DOJ needed to hire a ton of investigators & FBI agents way back in early 2021, should have had a special prosecutor started back then, & J6 & the Coup should have been seen as the BIGGEST deal in American history since the Civil War. We failed as a country based on the rule of law & continue fall short on so on many fronts. We needed to be as strong as were in the past when we faced great external peril & finally learn how to live the part of the oath about protecting the US constitution from "domestic" enemies.

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According to what I heard on the Jack podcast, if we see any indictments by April, we will be equal with the Watergate investigation. It’s not so bad except some crimes are expiring as we speak… and there are so very many crimes. He commits new crimes every day. Crimes nobody has even invented yet! Well, he’s good for something: Lawyers. Lots of lots of lawyers!

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The truth - the Trump NFT VENTURE was a scam! Great read and I am a new paid subscriber

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Nice work, Seth! The criminal Tr$mp "empire" is incredibly "labyrinthine" and it is easy to lose track of "who's on first" with such a big network of "shady characters" and "dodgy" players.

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I truly appreciate you, and I’m sorry but typos jump off the page at me. I can’t help it. Maybe “subhed” is really a word? It’s the only one I found! Really, it was remarkable! And that’s why dictation is so freaking great. But don’t ever try to spell Fossett with dictation. Should be faucet! Thanks again!

Hey, I am a recent subscriber but I sure do miss seeing you on Twitter. I haven’t seen your posts there, did you move on? (yes I should know this but Ive been busy!)

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I think this is like the exception that proves the rule. Besides, as Ken Kesey said: "Just because it didn't happen doesn't mean it isn't true." Flawless article Seth.

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Thank you for the correction and addition that Luna is cooperative. I wonder, how easy is it to prove witness tampering?

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Thank you for these corrections and clarifications, Seth! Much appreciated.

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