The jackals are still roaming free. Do we, will we, can we summon the courage to hold them accountable? If we do not we are asking for a repeat performance. That it is taking so long to bring indictments against those public officials (Trump, Guiliani, Brooks, Tuberville, Cruz, et al), those notorious performance characters (Stone, Jones, Guilfoyle, et al) as well as the idiot tools that did the actual deed, is very troubling.

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💯 my thoughts as well!!

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With all due respect Seth, I am sometimes perplexed, given your knowledge, expertise, and analytical perspective, that you do not speak to how past complicity of the FBI, as evidenced by betrayal of country by Mueller, Comey, and perhaps Wray, is not also current complicity. Could this not help to explain the reluctance to investigate the top of this crime ring? Meeting the events of 1/6 with silence. To proceed with no significant communication with the public about the ongoing investigation? Quite the opposite compared the FBI response to 9/11.

Speaking of, why did Mueller stall the 9/11 investigation of the FBI? Why did Mueller retreat from investigating Trump?

Why did Comey play into the hand of Russia to steal the 2016 election? Why did he advocate for Biden to pardon Trump in the name of unity? I don’t think so.

Why is Wray virtually silent?

It seems to me, and a lot of people much smarter, that American intelligence must investigate themselves and no one is willing to step out of line to do so. They fear that the truth would ruin them, the elite, and that’s true.

For instance, the vast majority of recommendations following the 9/11 commission were sidelined. How is it possible to believe the FBI (as an institution not individual skilled people of integrity) hasn’t faltered further?

On one hand, I appreciate that you speak with optimism with respect to the prospect of justice and accountability. I feel the same about others who do. Perhaps, there must be at least an attempt at hope. On the other, I do not find it realistic. Why would I believe justice will come to fruition when a long series of events doesn’t lend to that conclusion?

Please know my comments are not a criticism of you, the human Seth, nor of your work, but a request for clarity and understanding.

Thank you.

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I understand your frustration. I admit that being an attorney, and actually being allergic to conspiracy theories howsoever people may wrongly think otherwise, makes me extremely gun-shy about claims that there is a conspiracy at the FBI to not do its job. In localized settings, like the Trumplandia scandal in the New York field office of the FBI, we do find enough evidence to say that there has been some misconduct. But when we see an across-the-board failure to hold the rich, powerful, and influential accountable as we have seen here, I'm more likely to see a *systemic failure* that infects everything and everyone in the system, rather than a conspiracy headed by individual biases or agendas. I *do* share your frustration, and *do* think the system is broken. I wrote about that here (and frankly saw many signs of this brokenness in my years as a public defender): https://sethabramson.substack.com/p/some-say-the-criminal-justice-system

I just worry that this is the sort of brokenness that can't readily be laid at the doorstep of one person or a group of people, and so I haven't done so. Instead, I wrote stuff like this: http://bostonreview.net/us/seth-abramson-criminal-justice

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I also think the issues at the FBI and possibly also DOJ are systemic. We have gradually developed two different standards for enforcing the law. One for the most powerful, and another for the rest of us.

This is why I'm perplexed that more people aren't calling for Wray to be fired. The agency failed to respond to one of the biggest crisis in our country's history. That alone should be grounds for dismissal.

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Thank you, Seth. I can certainly appreciate and do respect your caution. There are so many questions with very incomplete answers.

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Well now we are finding out that some of the Secret Service were involved but I don't think that the FBI were in on the plan (as a whole not a few individual agents possibly) But I fear that Trump's disciples are the one's taking the brunt of the fall but I'm praying with all my heart that the Intelligence agencies KNOW & are just keeping things quiet until they can take the top tier down all at once! God I hope that the FBI, DOJ & the uncompromised S.S. Agents are reading Seth's PROOF as well!

I had a gut feeling about many things Seth has pointed out (and LOTS I had NO clue about) but I am seriously overwhelmed at the LEVEL of treachery & deceit and the sheer number of the people involved in EVERYTHING "Trump"!!! Lying and cheating are bad enough but stealing from the working class people he claims to be fighting for is on another level of EVIL and I am SO FRUSTRATED that those working class people do NOT get it, even AFTER finding out he's been robbing them blind while lying to their faces! Loving family members who are clear-eyed about what Trump is doing

to the people they care about TRY to explain it to them but they STILL defend the bastard! 🤬🤬🤬

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FBI knew in advance about the plot to storm the Capitol on Jan. 06, and they quietly allowed it to happen anyways. FBI seems complicit in the "inside job".

Parler referred violent content from its platform to the FBI more than 50 times in the weeks before the Jan. 06 riot at the U.S. Capitol. This includes a Dec. 24 post recruiting an "armed force of 150,000 people to react to the congressional events of Jan. 06". This also includes a Jan. 02 post from a user saying he would be wearing body armor to the pro-Trump rally on Jan. 06. "It's no longer a protest. This is a final stand where we are drawing the red line at Capitol Hill. I trust the American people will take back the USA with force and many are ready to die to take back USA." In another post, a user made clear that armed people would be at the Capitol that day. "They may be concealed at first, but if Congress does the wrong thing, expect real chaos, because Trump needs us to cause chaos to enact the Insurrection Act."


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As I've said in previous comments, I was watching the tv, live, with reporters at the Capitol, at trump's rally, blocks away from the Capitol. I remember, very, very well, this one reporter, she was at the Capitol reporting & behind her was the ( jeez escapes my memory what it's called) construction thing they had up. Everything was still calm, she was calm, & she was speaking, people started to climb that thing, & she shifted to talking about how it seemed more & more people were arriving at the Capitol. It was getting louder, she had to speak louder, & instead of looking into the camera, & the camera man staying focused on her, she kept turning her head in other directions, & the camera man, more & more was turning the camera off of her. Her voice, getting louder, faster telling "us" at home, "I'm sure you can see people have doubled in size, approaching the Capitol doors, some are now banging on the windows"! Then suddenly, you hear the camera man say "I think we need to go, NOW". She says "we need to move to a safer place, as the crowds are pushing their way towards me, as you can see, so we will be back to report soon as we get to a place where there's not so many people". The next time she came back, LIVE, she was INSIDE the Capitol. As I was listening to her, watching the crowd get thicker, I WAS YELLING AT THE TV, " hey, wtf, those people are banging on the Capitol windows". It was chilling, eerie, off putting! I was actually saying, out loud to the people banging in the windows, kind of chuckling," idiots, your not gonna get anywhere but in jail, cops will be there any second". Out loud, minutes later, I actually said," with man, where's the cops, why isn't ANYONE stopping these people, how the hell could they of gotten, EVEN this far, where's the cops"? It was mind blowing to me to watch these people, ALL THOSE PEOPLE, getting closer & closer, windows busting, & STILL not ONE SINGLE police officer was in sight, NOT ONE. To this day, for me, this is something I keep asking myself, where were the police that were supposed to protect the Capitol building? After 911, it fucked with my head, that this was even taking place, how could it be? I'm sorry, I realize this comment is long, but right now, this minute, are YOU not asking yourself, how in the hell did this escalate, how was it not stopped after 2 or 3 people made the attempt to get in? I cannot grasp this! It was obvious, least to me, security, police, SAW what was happening, no way they couldn't of, & did NOTHING! Things like this, do NOT just get overlooked. If I run a red light, a cop is there, in seconds, maybe minutes, to pull me over. This is OUR Capitol building & it was breached, no less on a day, where security was already heightened. Trumpers are EVERYWHERE! Some are there, to HIDE in plain sight. I live in a rural town, it is 95% trumpet's, believe me when I say, I have to be careful what I say, where I say it, & whose around me when I say it. It seems to me, although there are millions of us against trump, I worry about the Trumpers who don't announce their allegiance, as if they know it's far better to keep a low profile, as a form of being an element of surprise. Sadly the conspiracies all Trumpers spout, only press us NON TRUMPERS, in turn, to get more & more paranoid, turning us into thinking up things that could happen. Things us "normal" people would of never even thought could happen. I HATE THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IS SO TORN UP BECAUSE OF ONE SINGLE VILE, LYING PERSON. Again sorry so long, I'm done!!

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I know why we are told to cheer them on while the upper-class are getting away with it, Seth. I believe it has to do with a speech talking about no two-tier legal system and soon after Cy stepping down. I will hold out hope it is for the right reasons.

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Will we see justice?

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"...a pop-up protest..." said Roger Stone. Riiiight.

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Seth, do you have these videos archived somewhere? Since the tweets are now deleted, they can't be viewed in the article above.

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The first video poofed into thin air.

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As per usual Seth in connecting ALL the dots (¾ of which I had no clue about) hopefully the FBI & DOJ are reading PROOF as well!! 👏👏👏👏

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OT but need 2 say: Jack suspended defendario177

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