When I read your four conspiracies on Twitter and then saw them on Cuomo's show, I had a feeling you were in contact with them or Cuomo was reading your feed. I remember in the past telling Cuomo (via Tweet) you needed to be on his show and he would not regret having you visit. Thank you again Seth for all you do and I have found my journalist to follow and support (you).

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Wow. I am appalled by L.L.'s and CJR's lack of ethics, fact-checking on this piece and their refusal to delete it from their site, or publish corrections/apologies, and extremely disappointed with Cuomo. I am so very sorry this has happened to you!

I have to admit, this whole series was difficult to read as I've experienced what you've experienced in two different instances and scenarios; to a lesser extent, to be sure, (although I almost lost my roommate, best friend, and my job due to someone's stalking and lies).

Please know your work, time, perspective, honesty, and integrity are appreciated. And, I hope this 4-part essay was a cathartic exercise for you. Great writing, as usual. Well done! Oh, and a lawsuit, (if you choose to follow-through with one) will be painful but, hopefully, worth it. Do whatever you need to do. Standing up for the truth and for yourself is always worth it!

Sending you and your wife protective, healing, and positive wishes. Hang in there, Seth!

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I have to admit I have always wondered how many famous people have a secret account they surf the web with to interact with average people in society? Sort of to get an open and honest response from others, one where they are not treated special when using. I wonder how many of those people follow you, Seth. Sorry for the random leftfield response here, it is my mind processing your four part essay (I am weird).

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It never ceases to amaze me the lengths to which some people will go to one up those they know are smarter than they are and better at what they do. Given the amount of public information you have that backs everything you stated to CRJ, one would think they would be made to publish an apology or at least a correction. As for Cuomo and the Politico guy, shame on both of them. Your work is so superior to theirs there is no comparison.

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As I sit here and look at this post, on the one hand, it is mind-numbing to realize this is a reality, and on the other, if one studies our social-political history, it shouldn't come as a complete surprise.

Your stewardship of truth (via Proof and other venues) shows you doggedly pursue facts regardless of consequence. You add something that cannot be corrupted or measured; sincerity and integrity.

As Rod Serling wrote:

"The writer's role is to menace the public's conscience. He must have a position, a point of view. He must see the arts as a vehicle of social criticism, and he must focus on the issues of his time."

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Chris Cuomo should come with a warning label. His treatment of journalists he’ll never be is appalling. I know. I was once his boss. Keep up your great work. Someone has to carry the torch.

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In my best Strother Martin voice, what we have here is a failure to adapt to the communication style of others. We do not all communicate so directly, and the risk of taking a conflict public is that it leaves little room for others to save face. If you knew that open confrontation would only close ranks against you, and if you could choose to adapt your communication style in order to be more effective, would you?

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