Thanks once more for speaking out. I wish others had your courage. No doubt you receive plenty of threats from the MAGA cult. Stay safe and keep up the good work.

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Golly. You are the most articulate detailed reporter we have that can zoom out and zoom in to the minutest detail. Thank you and don’t stop your incredibly difficult, painstaking and time consuming work. You are appreciated.

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"This is what America is in 2024: an easy mark for a third-rate con man." The best summation of America the Beautiful's current condition, historically unprecedented.

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I was hopeful when I skimmed Atty Gen L. James' 26-page Brief that your prior story linked to. I truly thought she had laid out precisely why the Court simply could not accept this so-called Bond from an insurer without funds or standing to issue it. I profoundly believe that Atty Gen. James understands the so-called Bond lacks validity, merit, solvency, etc., & so also does the corporation which issued it. Why couldn't the Court accept the robust facts that her Brief presented??

Two weeks ago, Rachel Maddow reported in detail on the extraordinary weaknesses then evident with this Bond and the company that issued it. Whether she reads your reports, or not, she's a Rhodes Scholar & remarkable researcher.

A week ago, Lawrence O'Donnell. himself a lawyer, reviewed (in his national TV program) multiple specific reasons this Bond & the business that issued it were unfit. I deeply hoped that others were spreading that solid information, yet I was not reading or hearing them.

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It’s starting to get seriously dangerous that he is being given a Yellow Brick Road to bypass any potential consequences for his many many proven and documented crimes.

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The NY courts seemed to be the only ones willing to drag everything out into the light and take him on. I guess not. I don't know why either. I don't know why a guy like Sununu would crawl back and beg for forgiveness, while giving away any integrity he might of had left. Right now, I can't wait to see how the US, Supreme Court will tell Trump that he is protected from any prosecution, but that the ruling only applies to him. Yes, it seems like it is already too late.

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It is dreadful!!

Thank you for your superb analyses.

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I think the crumbling is due to threats against the Judge Engoran and AG Letitia James. And who knows maybe the threats go higher. Mob tactics only much worse…

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Well at what point do we admit democracy is dead but we just refuse to believe it? Why wait until 2025?

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Something's going on. Some republicans who disparaged Trump are now fawning over him, now this bond fiasco. The reason will come out in time. I hope I live long enough to hear what really went on behind the scene!

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I've been saying for a while now that the USA is already a quasi-despotic country. He may no longer be POTUS but he still partially rules the country with a demonic hoof.

Congress takes his orders, led principally by MTG. The Supreme Court is in the same extremist clinches that are feeding their useful idiot Trump. There's a mob of MAGA freaks ready to take up arms on the command of their cult leader, with properly organised armed branches of the Proud Boys, QANON etc.

What worries me is that the USA is our trading partner etc., all around the world, most principally our ally in NATO. Are we compromised already? We're screwed the minute he ever becomes POTUS again - and I very much doubt he'll accept a defeat this November.

I don't like conspiracy theories but, if you can smell a trump, someone trumped! (Quaint Englishism there - and appropriate for a certain Manhattan courtroom this week.)

Thanks for sticking your neck out, Seth, and telling the truth. I've barely seen anything out there, apart from some MSNBC videos. Stay safe and I hope you know how to de-Trump yourself from time to time. That goes for all of you out there, especially our American friends. I don't know how you cope so bless you all. xxx I need some time out right now because I'm suffocating from the stench of sulphur.

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Perhaps his stochastic terrorism will inspire someone to end his reign.

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Why wouldn't Trump's impunity in the matter of the bond extend to the entire trial? And at what point does the focus shift from Trump, who's simply dong what he's always done, to all of the people and institutions who enable him?

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So Schwab will guarantee the cash is there? Who will be oversight in NY?

I am trying to catch up. The defendant is now able to appeal the Engoran decision as to the monetary judgment and when is the hearing of that appeal? Geez. Deny, deflect, delay and denigrate.

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A deal?

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damn it is hard to read your work

If past performance is any guide to present, we will be reading about this in MSM a few years from now

IF we actually exist in more than name only at that point

if not, any who survive the purge will

be reading about Jesus Mandela Trump and the greatest of these be ....

gods help us all

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