Last week I saw what may be the most obsequious “interview” with the nepo mommy I’ve ever seen and it was on what is supposed to pass as the news part of Fox News. Neil Caputo’s fawning was sickening to say the least. I know at this point I shouldn’t be shocked yet I was.

Mommy Musk being called an international supermodel is on par with those who use that same adjective for Melania. I’m old and I can guarantee neither were either of those things.

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Interesting regarding nepo mommy. I had wondered when seeing a couple of instagrams or Tik Tok of Kim Kardashian boosting the douche mobile and the robot if she was signaling an interest to Musk that she was down for that role. Additionally when I read Grimes had moved to the human incubator compound in Austin, wondered what would compel her to get on board given what seemed to be an adversarial relationship between the couple. Fear? Neualink?

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It’s all too culty for me.

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It is somewhat exquisite that he does the same thing with his Twitter. Mostly reposting “amplifying” other people’s ideas and content. So Mars isn’t about mining or will it be send the “undesirables”there ? It is intriguingly strange all these psychopaths found one another. Although not inconsistent with the history of mankind when movements happen. I have been plagued by the ability of one man amassing infinite wealth. Equally perplexing is why his crew is not equally plagued. Thank you for reporting this uncomfortable biography.

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Controversial as this may sound, he makes Hitler look like a piker. This is some scary, horrific shit.

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I appreciate your describing Musk as an average intellect. That has been my impression since his first public utterances. However, that fact is the most difficult to countermand. My observation has been any time he is criticized, the response has seeded within that he is a genius. This is used as a balm or cudgel to suggest as non-geniuses, we cannot fully comprehend, criticize nor question his intentions or ethics. We are accustomed to giving over information authority in our daily lives, (think physicians and attorneys). Watch this hand, woe, woe, woe, it’s magic-another childhood interest of Musk.

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Great essay, as usual. The scary thing is, like Trump, Elon appears to be too big to be held accountable. Our only hope is they both are spectacularly inept and screw up so badly that most of America wants them to be gone before they completely destroy the entire country.

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I cannot wait to read your book, Seth.

I've been reading "weird stuff" since a child, but came across a book in the 1990s that suggested Russia would be the one to bring around global change, leading to the fall of Western Europe and the moulding of a New World Order. At that time, the Berlin Wall had recently fallen and we were still applauding Gorbachev, so it was filed in my brain under "wait and see". There are hundreds of crazy theories filed in that same drawer, which all now appear to be painting the bigger picture.

I read an introductory article to a podcast yesterday, the latter touching upon Elon. It was regarding Project Russia, a bestseller Putin doesn't boast a great deal about. Putin embraces Noosphere philosophy, which he adapted to form this pseudo-political manifesto. Throw in Neuralink and a dash of TESCREALism and you see why Putin loves a bit of Elon. And why they keep in touch like dear old friends. I can imagine the chat: Let's stick chips in our brains and kill billions! We'll all rule together! Putin reckons 6 billion need to be culled - humans, not animals - and, when there's only 8 billion on Earth, that's a lot of biofuel for their private jets.

From Brexit and Freeports in Britain to Trumpism in the U.S., these are two of the major countries Putin needs to break away from any form of democracy so he can become world leader, along with Xi and other stinking rich elites. Is Musk his likely heir-to-the-throne? As we've seen over and again in the States, everything the far-right says is projection, and Putin is apparently fearful of the world's richest owning all of the power. He surreptitiously neglects to mention he's got a bit of cash in the banksky and is top of that list to become dominatrix.

Nicely laid out in a series of books we never bothered to translate into English.

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perhaps we can drum up some interest in getting it translated and posted. Maybe start with an AI translation, just for irony.

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I've found an English version but the hard copies advertised were all "unavailable". There's a cheap ebook and it appears there's this one translation only.

There may be alternative options in other countries so have a search in the US or Canada, folks, and let us know if you find anything.

Проект Россия is attached to a Russian Orthodoxy website and the series is available for sale in Russian... through Russian websites:



English version ebook at https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/project-russia-part-1-anthony-eastern/1143863658

English version Amazon Kindle at https://www.amazon.co.uk/Project-Russia-Part-1-English-ebook/dp/B0CDJPPZ6Y

Describing it as "satanic", the accompanying text for the two links above reads:

"Project Russia is a handbook on the geopolitical situation and Russia's best methods to survive the challenge of the 21st Century as the authors understood them in 2005. It was released without copyright and has yet sold over 3 million copies. It is on the recommended reading list for all Russian Civil Servants. Published in English for the 1st time, it can now serve as an Anglophone "window" into the elusive essence of the Russian strategic thought process in the Information age.

"Part “white paper”, part manifesto, the scope of the work is an unapologetic exposure and a hearty rejection of the full paradigm of “Liberal Values” which were the lasting result of the “Enlightenment”, It outlines a plan of defense against the insidious methods employed by the directors of the not-so-hidden hands seeking to direct World affairs. If the reader counts himself as one of those conservatives whose idea of the “good old days” is a mere rewind to a few years back, you will find that the original authors understanding of the problem is not one of returning to the scenery that may have existed within living memory, but bringing back the metaphysics and virtues of an entirely different epoch, not merely to freeze society at an arbitrary date in time, but to secure society’s development for an enduring future.

"The authors describe Russia’s opponent frequently as the United States, but most often as simply “The Adversary”, “The Enemy” or, when being specific about the root of the matter, some variation of “The Markets”, which in certain contexts has a meaning closer to Russian phrase “Supranational Syndicate”, which we have used in all places the context permits, retaining references to the “market” where applicable. If the reader is familiar with the “International Capital” of the Classical Marxists, the ‘Globalists” of the MAGA talk-radio crowd, “The Crown”, “Phoenician Navy”, “Bloodline Families” as named by critics from other parts of the Anglosphere,  Quigly’s “Anglo-American establishment”, or the “Zionist Money Power” often j’accuse’d by present day acolytes of a certain Austrian Painter, then the reader can be assured that the authors are exploring the actions, tactics, and motivations of an often named, rarely pinned-down, shadowy group that has recently become less and less capable of hiding itself in the shadows. Spoiler alert: it’s Satanic.

"What is contained within is a unique blend of history and metaphysics that gives the authors’ solution to how Russia can continue to resist, survive, and thrive despite being under the assault of the minions of the “Supranational Syndicate”. Which details of a given aspect of this syndicate the authors are aware of (besides naming the usual suspects like the media and billionaires like George Soros), however, can often only be gleaned by that most Russian of interpretive arts, “reading between the lines”. Despite the fact that we should assume that only “declassified” information is permitted to be released to the public, many subtle and not-so-subtle breadcrumbs are dropped, and the reader should not discount a crumb or two of disinformation here and there. One question hinted at in the text is whether this shadowy power is becoming ever more visible (through it’s almost countless NGO’s, think tanks, and “captured” organizations) because they are working on borrowed time due to Imperial overreach or whether this phenomenon is due to its actual leaders having a self-image so confident in its success that it no longer sees the need to hide itself. The original authors are in no way conveying a sense of unease about this, having identified their adversary, the struggle is then portrayed as an equal contest, “From now on, we know what we want. The adversary knows what he wants. Before that, we were in unequal conditions: he saw his goal, we didn't”."

I wish I'd known about this when I was over there... I'd have smuggled one back with me!

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I'm not sure if you mean you truly believe in "God vs Satan" (I don't)

but thank you for looking this up.

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I'm a non-believer too. For me, it's wrong to tell me what I should believe; that's for me to find out through many teachers, not just the one. I've made a lifelong study of philosophy, which constantly strays into theosophy and theology. Still no belief, and no sanity either lol.

Putin fervently believes it's a good vs. evil fight between Russia and the West, and he plans on being the victor. Father Grigory, head of the Russian Orthodox is a Putin mouthpiece, backing him in his assault on Ukraine, just as Evangelicals made Trump their Orange Jesus.

Personally, I think Putin's an inadequate man wanting to prove he is bigger than everyone else. Look at them all: Trump, Musk, RFK Jr. ... they're all zetas competing to be Alpha Male, when none of them deserve the title. Give me a quiet, hard-working Zelenskyy any day.

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On that note I noticed that it’s interesting for the cult to all be yelling about Project Blue Beam as if it’s a thing but the reality of that term is interesting.

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Intriguing. I haven't heard it mentioned recently.

I read another article today by the same author regarding the sudden and mysterious NJ UFOs/UAPs. It talks about New Paradigm Institute director Danny Sheehan, who spent Thanksgiving with none other than the brainworm's brunch, RFK Jr.

"Sheehan's goal is well aligned with Putin's "Noosphere" policy agenda."

"This [Sheehan's] network's goals are to sow distrust in government agencies in particular and in government generally. These active measures may afford the incoming Trump administration additional reasons to decimate government and declare a state of emergency upon taking office, and mostly serves our adversaries."

Handy term for them to suddenly remember.

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Thank you as always Seth. There are so many of the same threads running through both trump and musk. When truth means nothing you too can be successful if you’re a white privileged douche.

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Especially white, privileged douches who grew up thinking morals are tasty, edible mushrooms.

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and only if you're cis male.

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As a person with the vibrational frequency of a celestial being, I have the capacity to sense the balance of light and darkness in any individual. When focusing in on Elon Musk, his evil intent is equal to those few monsters we’ve had in our world that we’ve been forced to endure.

Yes, Seth’s description is accurate.

Elon’s evil is also the answer as to why he’s in the position he’s in. Peace will continue to be taken from the earth until Christ’s 2nd coming. Elon is a great leader in Satan’s army.

Keep your heart full of light and love and you’ll pull through these difficult next decades ahead.

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Satan loves to have lunatics tell the truth, as that discredits the truth in reasonable minds. No human has “the vibrational frequency of a celestial being.” Any idiot with half a decent heart can see the evil in Trump and Musk. You’re not special.

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No I’m not special. We are each unique in our own way. Your lack of knowledge in vibrational frequency, universal truths and how we receive them is clear.

Your desire to put others down for their knowledge of truth does nothing positive for your heart or physical being. We are all brothers and sisters.

I wish you well✨

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Great read. Thank you!

What was Musk’s role in the development of Space X? Did he simply buy it as he did with his other businesses?

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No, that one he founded. Though it was a rocky start. Its big break was the end of the space shuttle program and the Obama administration agreeing to push private space flight. It is literally the only reason Musk was pro-Obama—that support made him money. There is no way he could have liked much about that administration otherwise, given his politics (racial and otherwise) and knowing how much smarter than he is Obama was and is.

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I find Space X to be the most frightening part of Musk's holdings. Thank you for pointing out that while Musk gets credit for supplying Starlink to Ukraine to help fight Putin, he is also making deals with Putin in the back room. The privatization of NASA may prove to be one of our governments biggest mistakes. I'm guessing when you say the Musk lobbied against it that he found many Republicans willing to kill NASA without a thought. Ah well, water under the bridge.

What do we do now? I sure hope the military has several backups for satellite communications.

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Seth, great work, as always. Words can't describe how good it is. Now continuing our talk on the Patel piece's comments. I remember you told me to find the articles I want by trying the Wayback Machine.

I tried that, but there's a lot of articles that still won't show up. I had been hoping against hope I could access those UNH databases. I take it you don't have individual accounts with EBSCO, for their Fortune and Bloomberg Businessweek databases, to access them at home. Do you know someone who works at or attends UNH or other universities with those databases? If so, would they be able to assist? Do you know someone who does have individual access to EBSCO?

I swear this is the last time I'll ask you about this, if you say you can't help.

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I'm afraid I really can't. I have no direct or indirect academic access to those databases.

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That includes not having or knowing someone who paid a four-figure number for an EBSCO subscription?

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Well, that's a shame.

On another note, among the things you said on BlueSky when talking about times that Trump could've been stopped, you said "He should've been stopped at the RNC." What exactly are you referring to? Is that 2016 or 2024? Is this to say "they should've kicked Trump out of the running before the primaries?"

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2016—there was a sub rosa movement led by Cruz, Kasich, and Rubio to dump Trump at the RNC by peeling off enough of his delegates to make someone else the nominee.

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Would've really changed things for sure, so that even if Hillary had lost to the alternative, they wouldn't have done anywhere near as much damage, and the cleanup afterwards would've been more akin to the end of the W. years.

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What is the biography and what's the expected publication date?

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Seems like SOMEBODY would be able to substantiate HOW Musk came to be awarded the Penn diploma. Is there not an academic record, transcript, of Musk’s time there, showing classes he completed and when? Grades? Surely professors who “passed” Musk through their courses would be knowledgeable.

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Do your part to save our democracy from a lunatic demented tyrant! Sign the petition to prevent felon 45 from taking office.


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Where is Superman?

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Musk-Putin-Trump killed him.

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Now perhaps people can see that the original story in the Bible, of an angel who became a pathological narcissist and lied to lead mankind away from their loving Creator, is not so unbelievable after all. Your description of Musk (and Trump) is point by point identical with the Bible’s description of Satan. The Venn diagram is a circle, other than that being a spirit creature, Satan will not die until God destroys him. Musk and Trump and all the other aspirants to domination are flesh and will soon die, and the spirits that move them will move on to inhabit others. Satan discards those who are no longer useful to him.

God warns us to not let Satan into our minds. Satan of course is the master deceiver: he knows how to make evil pleasurable and attractive. Those who love God and all God stands for are repelled by games of violence and domination. Horror and the occult are abhorrent to them. Those who angrily insist that there is no harm to such things are walking straight into Satan’s cave, and will emerge as his ‘zombies.’ All the while insisting that they are free, and they are on top of the world. The definition of a cult.

We often hear the phrase today, “God help us,” as people contemplate what is in front of mankind. Good news: God knew it would end this way (anyone who knows the difference between good and evil could predict it) and He has told us how He will stop it. I won’t preach about that here, but the simplest verse I know that says it is Daniel 2:44. Look, think. (The context is interesting, in that it places the fulfillment directly in a description of today’s situation.)

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Post Holiday, could you re-address Trump vs Anderson and the responsibility of Congress to provide amnesty to an elected official who participated in insurrection? It would seem this is the time for such a vote to take place. It also would seem that since the majority of Congress voted to impeach on the grounds of instigating insurrection, Trump could not be sworn in without said amnesty. I truly hope to hear more on this topic in the coming days.

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