Mar 31, 2022·edited Mar 31, 2022

Yes, Seth. We have come to the breaking point of the Widening Gyre. "And what rough beast, its hour come round at last, Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?" Your work is brilliant, and I thank you for bringing it to us so succinctly and to the point. There is no neutral ground, we either work to save us all or it all ends. Now, once again, "is the time when all good men need to come to the aid of their country."

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and the women, too

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Telling that Flynn et al have been and are still involved. Not only does it cement that djt is/was a "patsy", that our criminal codes are insufficient to reign them in (at least as adjucated today) and that the agenda of the GQP (re: elitists, petrol polygarchs, radicalized Christian rightists, pooty, transnational criminals, white supremists, etc.) has "collected" into a national platform to take over our democracy corruptly.

They cannot legally win an election (unless they write the rules) and they know it. Simply because they also know that freedom lovers are not compliant to their greed, cruelty, racism and other corrupted agendas.

Seth, thank you for being a patriot, for your continued excellence with compilation and curatorial journalism and for being a sincere voice of reason in the these difficult times.

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Brilliant read! It is indeed an "account..not primarily important as a history, but rather as a *vision of events to come*." That is frightening truth.

The phrase, "fantasy world of Trump’s own creation", reminds us that he is a (criminal malignant) *narcissistic sociopath*. NS's constantly create fantasy worlds for both them and us to live in, whose sole purpose is for the advantage of the NS. Another group who create "fantasy worlds", are political reactionaries (such as today's extreme right GOP) , who create a fantastic, imaginary past to suit their political view of the present. Also, both the NS and the GOP have no hesitation to lie to force their creations on others. The NS will lie to family members; the GOP no longer has talking point but lying points.

In Trump, the GOP (whose decline into being a faction of right wing reactionaries began decades ago) has found their leader. Both a psychologically insane Trump and a politically radical extremist GOP cannot help creating "fantasy worlds" to force others to live in, as it benefits them both, no matter if it causes democracy and America to cease to exist.

The above read is indeed a *vision of events to come*, a frightening truth.

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Ugh. I read this to be informed, but it turns my stomach reading about what our future and the future of Europe will look like if rep🇷🇺blicans retake the house/senate this year and trump becomes president again in 2024.

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I think this newsletter is a remarkable read.

I'm wondering if the call logs, post-election, will reveal conversations with Putin. If his plans worked, new revelations could spin everything in another dimension.

His request to Putin this week, is him trying to explain why he spoke to Putin leading up to the 6th.

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What can we do in the face of so much disinformation? We can remind our friends and family that getting accurate information is engaging in responsible citizenship. The social media genie is never going back in the bottle, so we must all do our part to ensure that democracy endures.

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We should be thankful; the traitors have never been easier to spot

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Phew, just now finished this one. Bravo!

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I am really sad. I see the light. Friends and family do not listen. They are mindless Trump robots. While I get it, I don't think we are enough. Seth should distill his work further, say to a dozen or fewer talking points that can be used in interviews, letters, advertisements and such. I need something to fuel my activity among ordinary men and women. These massive missives are not appropriate for mass distribution and personal advocacy. Surely there is someone in the audience with the required skill set. RSP

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Apr 7, 2022·edited Apr 7, 2022

Not sure that is Seth's in wheelhouse. Why don't you get together with a group of people to develop these missives yourself? You can a little research on democracy talking points, but you know what will work best where you live.

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When I looked at my phone the email notifications said 'Seth Abramson from Proof The Truth Abou..

My friends name.

I thought what has my friend got them self wrapped up in. But it was just two emails

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Maybe they saw the light.

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