WOW<Any cameras on those entrances? As always, well done!!

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They do t need cameras on them, those Trump would of wiped, he’s the one who loves to wipe everything. It would be stores, businesses across the street, no doubt they’ve done that.

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trump loyalists are in every level of our government to include DoD, DoJ, SS, USCP and beyond. As we witnessed on 6 Jan Capital police removed barriers and waved domestic terrorists through to enter Capital grounds. And some were seen stepping aside to allow them entry into the CB. A few even took photos with the insurrectionists!

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I posted several times a tweet from a man on Parlar he copied the main ckversati9n which said “ you guys need to rethink again,. Jan 5 was a picnic to the real insurrection coming later. “ that’s a massive warning and I think Russia is involved in this plan.

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i always found it odd that michael cohen said satan would never leave office if he did not win relection. way before the election. if satan appeared at meeting, probably on kid's cell phone. traceable. or some WH communication system, again traceable. satan always uses cut outs. so he is rarely linked. except in georgia, where they have him on tape. and SDNY where he signed a check to cohen. so he uses his kids, flynn, stone, lewindowski; people who wont rat him out. but unless these people are put under fbi questioning and under oath, they win. the impeachment needed to include satan funding, planning, organizing, producing the coup. to him, it was a tv show. just dont understand the fbi focus on the insurrectionists, when the big fish are in plain sight. so what if he is ex president. who cares. he's a criminal and a traitor. if they are not held accountable, it will continue and happen again. only federal prison will put a damper on this treason. keep working seth! we need some snitches on this. people who worked in the WH, the low level staff who saw or heard something. we need satan first hand.

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Considering the end goal and all the damage 'the trump syndicate' has done to the nation as a whole, water boarding ought to be a course of action to get some answers.

I know what I wrote ain't right, but it's pretty damn accurate. [treason IS the basis]

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The devil is in the details! Great job on making sense of them, Seth. Every time I read these, though, I'm so frustrated not knowing whether the right people have the info to do something about it. I hope they're putting together airtight cases right now so the folks responsible for the insurrection are held accountable.

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Of course "the right people" have this info if ONLY from reading this presentation. The FBI ferreted out who was behind the OKC bombing. They can do this.

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Why does Trump keep getting away with this shite? Will he ever be indicted for his role in the January 6 deadly insurrection?

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I am wondering if the Russian Military Intelligence (GRU) Unit 29155 had a role in the Capitol insurrection. They are involved in assassinations, sabotage, and subversion in Europe. Two of their operatives were reportedly involved in an attempted coup in Montenegro. They planned to attack the Parliament on the day of their elections. The attempted coup in Montenegro reminds me of the attempt to decapitate our government by possibly gassing members of Congress and the Vice President.

I hope our FBI is keeping this possibility in mind as they investigate.

Also, I remember that Matt Gaetz lead other Republicans in an insurrection that disrupted a classified impeachment meeting in a SCIF (secure room).

People can google GRU 29155 to learn more about these violent people.

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My opinion, because I can’t place Russia there myself. I think Russia is all over this fr9m well before the campaign to run for president in 2016 all the way through and including the insurrection. There’s been history with Trump and Russia from when Trump was a child. Besides the similarities in those other countries, Russia has been prepping Trump for this. Read Budapest Bridge on threader reader. He knew them all. Not only was the presidency, the insurrection was planned years before that. When Cohen was given I formaton up in his own intelligence investigation he spilled it out. He said Trump plans to go back in time to take over the government. It was such an interesting statement I remembered it through all the other Trump info and said he had been planning this for years.

In November on executive order in Nov. 18USC115 actually was his excuse to take over. Anyone can look so I kllooked and whe was doing all sorts of odd thingThe date I took the screen shot was Done Dec 12 or That he had put down the numbers forfor that to take place. I was s This was preplanned had been for years.

Putin right now m his plan is to remain president this is just come up in this month but that was one Michael Cohen had also mentioned in 2017. Anyway..that’s what I have.

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Of course there is a secret entrance. That's the reason it costs so much. Good work SETH!

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I still love what you continue to do for all of us, Seth. Please keep up the stellar work! I name drop the FBI every chance I get with your work attached. Maybe more here can do the same and we can get it trending on Twitter? That will help spark attention. We'll do it daily if required. Whatever it takes to help American Democracy survive.

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These people need to be investigated and prosecuted. They won’t give up and the Big Lie is never going away. It’s a matter of time before they launch more domestic terrorism and insurrectionist activity. The GOP will never stop playing dirty to maintain or gain power.

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Someone put out on Twitter many months ago handwritten notes, that says Trump has money put into his personal account from all gop donations includes anyone who campaigns for themselves must use MAGA that money also goes into Trumps account it’s a win wi; really. I have the second set of 4 pages that was typed out. Which says he does all his LLC companies in Delaware because they don’t charge taxes on it. Etc.

Trump is a piece of work, he’s been scheming his whole life and taught his children those as well.

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Hakeem S. Jeffries , please consider taking these folk on.

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Not his job. There are possibilities for a commission, a committee inquiry a la Watergate, and DOJ investigation. The latter is underway. The rest is on the table. But Jeffries alone is NOT responsible for this work.

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Not his job, possibly, but he’s a pit bull and he and Val Demmings can get to the bottom of this. The BS the former guy pulled doesn’t need any milquetoast attitude..

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This is one ugly mess. I really hope the Dumpster doesn’t get off yet again.

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One of the things which piss me off the most, Seth, is how later these dirtbags (if brought to justice and are taking under oath) will claim they were not under oath while being asked questions. They will then say, therefore, not obligated to tell the truth like we heard that one time from lewandowski, I believe (but honestly cannot remember who said it under oath).

Regarding herbster, I want to know who told him to delete the post and REpost it? He has not spent a significant amount of time on FaceBook, or he would have known when you edit your post, the original is still there for others to see what was changed. My theory is this: he posted it. Possibly someone then told him not to say that, and he then changed it. I say *maybe* because I believe someone told him the old version is still there and can see that he needs to delete it entirely and repost the *correct* message everyone needs to promote. What I am getting at is I believe someone guided him, and a quick phone records audit will show who he got messages/calls from in between his FaceBook adventures.

Seth, am I correct in remembering the first impeachment The House saying they have the right to keep the investigation open and ongoing? Can they bring up new possible charges if they find more information? I am asking because of the recent news I read about the second Steele dossier and new evidence about additional tRump sex tapes (puke), additional russia interference information, and possibly a second source of information (if I read that part correctly).

I would also like to point out fruity g (rudy) is in a unique place to get a plea deal where nothing happens to him, and he can lie his ass off obstructing the investigation. As you have said, he has had two years to concoct the story needed moving forward. For all we know, the plan was for rudy to be in a position to get a deal and not require a pardon. A pardon would make tRump look even more guilty (if that is humanly possible at this point).

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