I still wish I understood why Chris Hedges thinks Russia was not involved in the 2016 election. That just boggles my mind. If you know anything, please advise. I don’t understand.

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Why did all this information not sink into the empty heads of Republican voters? I'll never understand. The corruption is breathtaking, but it's also likely that there are already foreign actors working diligently to undermine Biden and put Trump back in office.

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Google "caddy" "stone" & "schlanger" simultaneously.

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I have Proof of Collusion, Conspiracy and Corruption. What am I missing!?!

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Excellent concise chapter. The Brownell connection was interesting as he is a manufacturer of fire arms, very prominent and influential with a manufacturing firm right on I-80. I have often wondered why the name has never come up in relation to a large supplier of automatic rifles. I continue to ponder what type of compromising Intel the Tramp has on his most ardent loyalist, like Jordan, Grassley, McCarthy, Graham. Not to equate the two in any manner besides the compromising information expertise but, must be Tramp has a person close to him that operates like President Johnson. All the dirt, all the leverage. My pervasive worry is that Tramp is not yet running scared. Media acts like he is lashing out as his back door is closing. I don’t see it.

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Bought the book. Thank you for all this effort.

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